Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............

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   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #11  
As for the good old days, my dad was born in 1919 and got to be a teenager during the great depression and then drafted into WWII. :rolleyes:

His good old days were what he made of them with a positive attitude. :thumbsup:
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #12  
Yup, may parents were kids during the depression too. I don't remember them bemoaning their deprivation, they did talk about the good times they had with relatives and friends. Not saying they didn't complain when they were kids, but they didn't mention it. Now it seems we are more than willing to complain about every and anything, and blame it on somebody else, instead of the person that is the real problem. Also suspect that back in the good ole days, it wasn't all the good ole, if you were a member of certain population groups, i.e. not Caucasian looking English stock.
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #13  
I was going to Houlton a month or so ago and decided to see of I could get tires. It was bout 6:30 Saturday AM, before VIP opened so I went to their website, picked out my tires, made an appointment for 9:00AM and headed up. When I got there they didn't have a clue what I was talking about yet they got me in, nd by 10:30 I was headed down the road with 4 brandy new tires on.

Tires are the only thing I will but from that chain, BTW.
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #14  
As for the good old days, my dad was born in 1919 and got to be a teenager during the great depression and then drafted into WWII. :rolleyes:

His good old days were what he made of them with a positive attitude. :thumbsup:

Amen to that! My dad was also born in 1919 and had similar experiences. He had an amazing capacity to take ANYTHING life had to offer, and just make the best of it.

Near the end of his life, I swear that I was more depressed about what he was going through than he was. The only thing that appeared to bother him was taking a dump in the portable "toilet" next to his bed. He apologized to me every time he used it.
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #15  
I remember those days and I'm not 60 yet. On Christmas we got to say "Hi Grandma, Merry Christmas" and hand the phone to the next sibling as fast as we could because long distance phone calls were so expensive.

I used to do that until grandma remembered that I lived next door....
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #16  
I feel sorry for my kids and grand kids....and great grand kids. IMO this country, USA, is really screwed up morally which projects into many ways of our daily lives. Although there are very many good people (IMO) the tail is waging the dog right now.


I agree Mike. And businesses are using the COVID excuse to cover poor management.
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #17  
Can the average person even comprehend a time when you could go the whole day without getting any outside information or talking to anyone? A man would go to work in the morning and not have any contact with his wife untl he came home. You might communicate with a sibling at Christmas and on birthdays, and that was it.

When I retired I came to the farm every day. We didn't live on the farm then. Six miles away. In the evenings my wife would ask about my day and what I did? I'd tell her in small comments as men do. She would want details. She would ask who I saw today? No one. Who did you talk to today? No one. No phone calls? No. No Texts? No. That was extremely hard for her to comprehend. When I told her those days were the best she began to worry about my mental state.

When we were building our house here I was visiting with my large farmer friend about the build. He said "where are you going to go to escape when you move to the farm?" I had no idea how prophetic that question was......
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #18  
As for the good old days, my dad was born in 1919 and got to be a teenager during the great depression and then drafted into WWII. :rolleyes:

His good old days were what he made of them with a positive attitude. :thumbsup:

My Dad also.

His philosophy was "Work Hard, Play Hard".
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #19  
When we were building our house here I was visiting with my large farmer friend about the build. He said "where are you going to go to escape when you move to the farm?" I had no idea how prophetic that question was......

And yet here we are.

Not trying to be nosy. Just curious. So just what is the status in that regard or is your friend’s question even an issue ?
   / Grandpa, tell me bout the good ole days............ #20  
When I retired I came to the farm every day. We didn't live on the farm then. Six miles away. In the evenings my wife would ask about my day and what I did? I'd tell her in small comments as men do. She would want details. ..

She: What did you do today?

He: Drove around on the tractor.

She: What else?

He. Nothing, just drove around.

She: Well what were your feelings about that?

He: (to himself .... I have a backhoe)
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