Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #166,831  
I won't use any scott's products.
When I first started in the "work force" I (about 15 yrs old, circa 1967) worked at a garden center. We had to go to a "Scotts" sales meeting.
At the meeting it was all "push product". They brought up the fact that "spring" fertilizer we were selling was far from ideal for the grass. But at least it didn't kill the grass.
Just lie and sell the product.
   / Good morning!!!! #166,832  
Well, the rain didn't materialize..... the temp reached 40°, then dropped back to 34°.... and the snow arrived early. Been going for about a half hour.... just a light dusting... so far.....
   / Good morning!!!! #166,833  
When I first started in the "work force" I (about 15 yrs old, circa 1967) worked at a garden center. We had to go to a "Scotts" sales meeting.
At the meeting it was all "push product". They brought up the fact that "spring" fertilizer we were selling was far from ideal for the grass. But at least it didn't kill the grass.
Just lie and sell the product.
Sounds a lot like service writers:

   / Good morning!!!! #166,836  
Restoration project retrieval trip successful ... (y)

Late 80's vintage Delta 10" Unisaw, Model 34-458, that apparently has a born-on date of March 1988 according to the serial number ... which makes it a (relatively young) 35 years old this month:

IMG_2342 copy.jpg

Included the original 3 phase motor (said to be working), an (incorrect for this machine) single phase motor, newer start/stop switch, three new Gates belts (as well as the old ones), the original magnetic starter switch and cabinet, a miter gauge, and a Biesenmeyer fence (the homeowner's version)

Need to fire up the double barrel up in the shop after I grab some lunch and get it unloaded before the weather moves in later.

Supposed to below 40 tomorrow with 60 mph gusts possible.
   / Good morning!!!! #166,837  
Good morning! 69˚F misting, South wind becoming a West wind. our chances of a little bit of rain this morning are dwindling was 85% now 45%.

Happy birthday to your Dad BEF.
Happy travels Drew.
Fingers crossed RNG.

Whipper is doing poorly, we took her to the vet yesterday and got some meds, the dr took some blood and test results should be back early next week, he thinks a fungal infection in the lungs. She stopped eating last night so this morning we got the best of the best from the deli section at HEB: cajun roast beef and shredded chicken breast, she started eating again which allow us to sneak in her meds. She had her morning walk and and seemed content walking at a very slow pace, stopping every once in a while.
Hope whipper gets well soon.

Happy birthday to Sophie and Phil!

My new digital calipers.

Actually a clock.

Son has a track meet today, leaving work early.
Prayers for our team, nation, and Ukraine.
   / Good morning!!!! #166,838  
Restoration project retrieval trip successful ...
Those used to be the queen of tablesaws, RS, but I bet you knew that. Last one I saw (no pun intended) was going for about a K buck, but it was all together and running. Shouldn't take much to get that one going.

Are you going to run it on 3-phase?