Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #200,092  
Good (Tuesday) morning. Overnight Low of 14.7C and it's presently 18.3C, overcast with drizzle [rained earlier on] & fairly calm. The aerodrome reported 1.2mm @ 0900. I'll check my gauge tomorrow.

Yesterday, after a brief trip to the PO for a parcel, I tackled the wattle tree branch = a 20 minute job. I was drenched in sweat due to the humidity. After lunch I was able to mow around the house and most of the front paddock, avoiding particularly moist/puddly areas.

It looks like another inside day today.

That's about it, take care all.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,093  
Good evening all. light wind and gusts, clear sky, and high temp was 63ºF. Front brake dragging on bike, got heart rate up. Nap, was going to work on mower carb but didn't wake up till almost 6 PM. Will work on mower tomorrow after Grief Share.
Resuming Saturday Nov 30 1:48 PM CST post 200,001:
RNG nice pic of seaside campsite. Sorry e-bike riding didn't work out. Hope you enjoyed the exploring different campsites. Sorry about HD delivery, and another time slot consumed by another delivery. Nice pic
PJ glad good Thanksgiving dinner. Samuel sounds like quite the individual. Reminds of a RAF pilot named Douglas Bader (story in "reach for the sky") Hope you enjoyed your snow.
Randy(wag) 5 inches in a 24hr period serious rain. Hope church was good and Advent candle shone bright.
Drew glad you got some outside work done in spite of low temps. I understand about paperwork procrastination, I indulge as well. Sorry about the difficulty in keeping warm in your house.
Lou glad good Thanksgiving meal and company. Glad you got the driveway shaped up.
Scott(vt) glad rotisserie turkey over charcoal came out excellent. Good to hear you made progress on rocker arms. and was able to visit neighbors. Have with working on Christmas Cards.
Dennis sorry legs not right yet. I love the leftovers after dinner. Sorry about over napping.
Sunday morning 3:48 AM CST:
Ron glad Sassy grooming was good, and progress on pole barn. Hope you got Christmas tree up. Thanks for the encouragement on the bike. Nice cardinal.
Bill hope you conserve plenty of energy.
Frits glad brake job done and van stops better.
Billy hope she likes her advent calendar, sounds nice. Glad you got a hike in, amazing Della gets in and swims in those cold temps. Glad you got good visit with son and family.
Masseyrider doesn't sound like outside weather, hope you made a fire.
Dennis hope you had good trip home.
Thomas hope headlight work on pickup was successful. Hope you got to watch some good football.
Mike glad you got your door frame. hope you don't have to battle Fredericksburg traffic too often. Glad fire was good.
Buppies not warm temps. Glad you got to enjoy football games. Hope you were able to make progress on lists. Prayers sent.
Scott(vt) glad fire going, hope you enjoyed the snow. Neat lifeguard stations, will make nice Christmas cards.
Lou Have fun visiting wife's son. Hope E-car did well.
Drew hope you got some decorating done.
Paul glad Palm Beach trip went well, interesting catch at airport. 20º crab? (not good with flight directors) hope you enjoyed daughter's turkey dinner. Good luck with trash toter.
Ken hope good visit with BIL and family. glad food was good. Hope you got some decorating done.
Ted good to hear from you. prayers for you wife sent. Glad she got to come home for a few days. Hope meeting with oncologist went well. Prayers for you as well.
David hope you get some dry weather to mow.
Drew hope good trip to store RV. Hope present wrapping going well.
Hay Dude same to you as well.
Thomas glad you got to take Mrs shopping, sorry about slow start on driveway.
Randy(wag) sorry baptism was delayed. Hope church was good. Hope you got mowing done in your time frame, and branch taken care of.
Dennis glad you got home ok in spite of traffic. Meat water wheel turning on way home. Glad water had drained away from hose bib.
Kyle sorry buddy still has problems with house. Hope son's girlfriend a keeper. Sorry football game did not go your way. Have fun with students. Thanks for link.
PJ glad you were working to the best of your abilities ;)
Bill sorry you lost a customer. Hope you get caught up before next snow. That was a lot of snow.
More catch up tomorrow.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues,Mike /BIL in FL, Ron /heart, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer,parathyroid,blood sugar /wife, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife back issues, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, /back issue, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /brother's lymphoma, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, hurricane victims, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,094  
My network is all on UPS, it will run a rather long time.
interesting, as Scott said, I was using the lack of eufy signal to tell me power was out, since my gen is not automatic.
guess I should plug the router into UPS, wonder why I didn't....need to investigate the snake pit of wires back there

slightly warmer today, high of 42 and mostly sun.
going food shopping this morning, then back to work in garage.
going to look again for hex key set, if not, ordered another set, but think I have a driver bit that will work nicely.
I'd rather use the driver anyway.
this is a major redo of my garage, now that all gardening stuff is out.
bought another work table, one I "won't" pile crap on so i can't see the top anymore...

found if I kept garage door open several feet running propane heater wasn't unpleasant. I also crack a window.
I have a C02 detector in garage just in case. Zero insulation in garage, heat doesn't last long but if I can get it close to 50 in there,
much better to work in.

waiting to get a call from mobile home park, there's something beeping in your rv!
at least I'm pretty sure it's battery operated since main power switch to rv is turned off.
I need to write down the model of that oem hard wired CO2 detector and order a replacement. Should be easy to do.
though if no power and no battery backup, why is it beeping?
little detective work needed here
   / Good morning!!!! #200,095  
Drinking first cup of hot coffee. 18° with partly cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 34° with cloudy skies. Made a bracket for chain hook on tractor front end loader bucket. Mounted it on bucket. Was 1 load of cloth's in washer. Will do rest of the laundry today.
Not doing good at hide and seek.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All
   / Good morning!!!! #200,096  
that's quite a squirrel tail.
just right for a Daniel Boone hat

looks like a well fed squirrel
dines on Ron's finest every day

if you cut off a squirrel tail, will it grow back?
like a stone crab...

wondering if we could harvest a little tail... ;)
   / Good morning!!!! #200,097  
Good morning!

All I know is I let the dogs out at 5AM this morning after feeding them, and when I turned on the outside lights, I found this white stuff laying on the cars.

I just mowed my last one back field 3 days ago.

Having lived and worked up in Syracuse and Watertown NY, I don't miss snow at all...

   / Good morning!!!! #200,098  
22F partly cloudy day low 30's for high.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today... 8 hours at part store afterwards yet to decide. :unsure:

Enjoy day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,099  
19 going to never made it out of the 30s yesterday and bird baths were still solid ice through sunset. This is quite the cold spell for around here this early in the year.

Prayers for LS and Dona.

Did some paperwork, watched a movie with my wife (her choice) and then took Della for a hike to swim in the river at sunset. Saw some real pretty Christmas lights on the way driving home...the folks with the biggest display wait until December 1st to light them.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,100  
interesting, as Scott said, I was using the lack of eufy signal to tell me power was out, since my gen is not automatic.
guess I should plug the router into UPS, wonder why I didn't....need to investigate the snake pit of wires back there

slightly warmer today, high of 42 and mostly sun.
going food shopping this morning, then back to work in garage.
going to look again for hex key set, if not, ordered another set, but think I have a driver bit that will work nicely.
I'd rather use the driver anyway.
this is a major redo of my garage, now that all gardening stuff is out.
bought another work table, one I "won't" pile crap on so i can't see the top anymore...

found if I kept garage door open several feet running propane heater wasn't unpleasant. I also crack a window.
I have a C02 detector in garage just in case. Zero insulation in garage, heat doesn't last long but if I can get it close to 50 in there,
much better to work in.

waiting to get a call from mobile home park, there's something beeping in your rv!
at least I'm pretty sure it's battery operated since main power switch to rv is turned off.
I need to write down the model of that oem hard wired CO2 detector and order a replacement. Should be easy to do.
though if no power and no battery backup, why is it beeping?
little detective work needed here
Been a couple yrs since I replaced mine so don’t remember, but it might be powered from. Battery side of inverter.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

2003 INTERNATIONAL FUEL TRUCK VN:IHTWNADT23J077105 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Amthor (A40018)
NEW TERAN 18IN. HD DIGGING BUCKET EXCAVATOR BUCKET for CAT 320 AND 319D, 320D, 320E, 321D, 323E, (A40020)
2018 Dodge Charger Sedan (A39235)
2018 Dodge Charger...
20FT. X 20FT...