Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #186,421  
Goldens are smart and can be calm enough to be service dogs.

Wouldn't a sharp pair of wire cutters do the trick? I have never had staples, so I don't know what the Dr. uses.
Our last Golden was definitely a hyper dog. But for my wife and I, it worked out great as everything was amplified-- even all the good stuff.

I seriously considered removing the surgical staples myself using snap ring pliers. My wife thought I was crazy.

The tool the doc uses is similar to snap ring pliers, but has 3 points instead of two. The center point pushes down while the two outer points pull up. Since the staples are shaped like a circlip you need something to cause them to spread apart as you lift up. Waiting for the doc turned out to be best.

27F going to sunny 59F back in Beautiful Northern Nevada.

Feels like Spring around here-- I'm going to trim my peach tree today and do some general outdoor cleanup work.

btw enclosed is a picture of a young buck. He is memorable as he has a distinctive wart-type growth on his right shoulder. Haven't seen him lately though.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!


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   / Good morning!!!! #186,423  
Good Morning
37° and partly cloudy, that’s going to be the high for today, but it will transition to clear skies and wind will pick up.

Yesterday I decided to build a couple of speakers, as I have a large backlog of people that want one. It’s nice to be able to build them whenever I feel like it. I enjoy the wood working, I just don’t want to make a job out of it.

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Architect came by, we tweaked the plans some, I spoke to Zoning officer about square footage limit of my variance, he informed me that the limit is net, not gross, so with the 2x6 exterior walls, the latest design conforms to the limitation. We tweaked a few details, I think we are getting pretty close.

FedEx brought me some work for the little plane, I’m going to add some more fuel capacity, as it is pretty limited now. Part of the problem is that I swapped the original 115hp engine for a 160hp one. Much better performance, but not a lot of fuel. I’ve got to get these big boxes out of the shop and into the hangar.

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Had a good time playing music last night. Music, like pets provide a sense of comfort that’s hard to explain. There is something to be said about the energy of a live performance as well.

Today I’ll start back on the speakers, then go pick up the aging RAV4 which dodged a bullet for now. Leak was coolant, coming from a bypass tube with aged out O Rings. It was so inaccessible that the leak could only be found with an inspection camera with a pressure tester on the system. It’s a many hour job to get access to it, the Toyota service manual says to remove the engine (which didn’t happen), but it requires a lot of disassembly and jacking.

Son is coming with his truck to move parts to the hangar, while we’re there we’ll fly to lunch somewhere. After that, back to the speakers.
If you had a full basement would that count in the size limitation. Just curious about how it works. I can put up another building but it is subject to size limitation to avoid the expense of a full building permit
   / Good morning!!!! #186,424  
Low of 40 presently 43 very cloudy light rain in forecast

Going to look at jobs take Z turn to shop recall and 10 hour service

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #186,425  
Morning all, 38 going up to 42 and cloudy.
Waiting for bed frame to arrive , again.
Got head board assembled last night and ready.

Been building and disassembling the same bed for a week so other projects have lagged.
Hopefully they show up soon as already a bit late.

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #186,427  
Good morning
37 going to 44

Cody doing well and still waiting for lab results

Son had episodes last night
Wife spent time on the phone to calm him down and hopefully get him off his track he was ready to give up
Prayers for your son, and for your wife communicating with him. Glad Cody is better.

44F here, same as RIGA Latvia! Although it might warm up much more here, as we have sunny skies and they have rain.

Almost done with the basketball post. Ground down the gorilla welds, sprayed some rustoleum primer on it. Need to figure out, how far behind the curb to mount it, which will determine how far it sticks out into the parking lot. I want the kids to be able to play underneath it. The old one was set close, and many times, your ball after going through the hoop, would hit the curb and roll out. Also, I was worried about kids ankles and knees as they were looking up while tripping on a 6" curb.

Going to vote this morning later. Need to drive the 4310 to town, with the post hole digger on the back, to dig the hole for the goal.

Daughter has decided to purchase my 94 yo mother's car. It only has about 80,000 miles, while my old impala has about 353,000 IIRC. Probably happen over spring break.

Hope all have a great day.

Prayers for our team.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,429  
Good afternoon already !

Warm but rainy day here.
Made a shop run and then had a good nap and now conserving energy <tm>

Today is 2 years since putin started war. That brings some thoughts...

Frits sorry to read about son and Cody. 🤞

Pop-G. From here I cant tell anything about your acoustics, but plywood looks like premium, could be from Baltics. And from carpenters POV those joints are good (y)

There was some concerns on how service will offload my tractor. This pic


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1. There is not enough space on the rear. they have to pull out trailer from that parking lot. So there will be some truck involved
2. Even if not, that trailer it is possible to load/offload without truck attached. They have like support leg on ramp. Took a pic from their web and tried to highlight it with green line

That leg really works.
Have tried that several times. I am just dropping some board / panel / rubber under those legs, to protect both trailer and my concrete

And news of the day ! Look what I have got:


Yeah, you see it right, it's a shame, but had to look in the manual 😁
First time have seen saw where brake lever doesnt come off together with cover on the right.
Simple system, just wanted to double check

That's about it !
Have a nice weekend !
   / Good morning!!!! #186,430  
Good morning! 59˚F heading to 79˚. Cloudless sky, South breeze.
Bluebonnets at the local Grocery Store, if you look closely you can see some blooming Bluebonnets.
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Doing the math....43560 square feet per acre, if you planted 4 containers per square foot. It would cost you $1,040,212.80 per acre to have a lush field of bluebonnets. I'm in the wrong business.