Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #181,261  
Helo, your posts are the best. Do you have some good snow tires on that Tesla?
I am too old to fall for such compliments 😁
If you would help me to polish my language skills, that would be great. Don't be afraid to improve (correct) me if you see mistakes :) Style, sequence of words. Sometimes I feel myself, that I am typing something silly but urge to express myself is bigger than shame :ROFLMAO:


For tires I have Michelin Pilot Alpine3
Really happy with them.
Here in EU we have 2 general types of tires. Central/south motorists normally drives with rather hard tires. Still winter, but harder tires.
Nord mainly uses "friction" or "soft" tires. Sponges :) Riga is on 57-th parallel. For Nord America that's already South Canada. So I assume we are in Center / Nord. But that line is really blurred. So those who are looking for stability in higher speed goes for Centro-type. Those Michelin I have are Nordic. Doesn't last THAT many miles, and really dont like to run over 100 mph. But for snow / ice 👍
   / Good morning!!!! #181,263  
Helo, yes those softer rubber compounds are supposed to work much better in very cold temps, the more siping the better

Is the dual motor true awd? Meaning if you parked on sheet ice, would all four tires spin the same?
EVs are so different...much is done electronically.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,264  
30 this morning high of 35 today very windy snow flurries maybe. Very tired yesterday fell asleep at 9:00 PM in chair

Wifes car runs Michelin LTX M&S truck Cooper very happy with both

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #181,265  
Tom, I'm hyper about that heater. It's what burns down rvs and boats all the time.
Mine sits on a hard flat surface with nothing nearby and I think is rated at 1100 watts.
when I'm done working on rv, making sure all the water is out, hopefully in a few days, I won't need it any more.
I can still use the propane furnace, have a half tank left, that heats up rv in a hurry.
I just don't want to work in an ice cold bathroom.

I appreciate the tip.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,266  
29 outside this AM, may get to 40. Beautiful moon these last two mornings.

Just cannot seem to capture it in photographs. So I just sit and look at the wonder of it for a few minutes.
I have a hard time getting a good Moon photo with my iPhone. I have had good luck getting moon picture with phone when moon is out during daylight hours. Novembers moon would be difficul. Because it has only been visible 8pm to 8am.
With my cameras I just change to a setting that cuts out the bright moon.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,267  
Helo, yes those softer rubber compounds are supposed to work much better in very cold temps, the more siping the better

Is the dual motor true awd? Meaning if you parked on sheet ice, would all four tires spin the same?
EVs are so different...much is done electronically.
I have seen in y-tube awd tests. Boys take different awd cars, put 1-2-3 wheels on idle rollers like electricians are using to unwind cables from spools, and see what happens.
Tesla is performing rather well at those tests. It can crumble out even if only one wheel is on the ground.
Some fancy audis and subarus coudnt do that
   / Good morning!!!! #181,268  
Took these couple days ago


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   / Good morning!!!! #181,269  
Good Morning Guys,
Ct, 25 to start going to 37 with wind , so a chilly one today !

I will try again to work on rotating the tires on the PU ! Frits, thanks for the suggestion and Kilroy, I fully intend to wire brush and grease the mating surface if I can get them off !

Dennis, glad your son made it home safely!

Bill, what a great German song, I was able to understand parts of it, but still need to learn more German words ! Thanks so much for posting !

Hope all have a safe day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #181,270  
Good Morning Helo,
BTW, I wish that my German was as good as your English ! Your Englis is very good, your German is excellent and of course your Latvian is spot on ! It is the GM TBN crew that needs to step up our game on languages ! 😁

TxDon, wondering how you did with the German song that Bill posted ?

Again, have a great day !