Dealer PDI....

   / Dealer PDI.... #1  

Portuguese Farmer

Bronze Member
Dec 1, 2024
Central Portugal
Mitsubishi MTU26R
Right front wheel started making a "dry" noise with 7.8 hrs on the meter, after going back n forth with the dealer I started checking fluid levels, no oil in either spindle or the differential, they will be out Monday to check my work🥺
Stay tuned!
   / Dealer PDI.... #2  
Unfortunately not actually performing the work involved with a PDI seems to be very common.
I remember we had a new tandem truck delivered to work that had been PDI' they said. When we were looking it over, one of the brake cans hadn't even been released from where they were piggbacked from the manufacturer. The caging bolt was still in the brake chamber, effectively making the brake on that wheel non existent. To add insult to injury, the mounting bracket for the brake can was bent and rubbing on the brake drum.
   / Dealer PDI.... #3  
Right front wheel started making a "dry" noise with 7.8 hrs on the meter, after going back n forth with the dealer I started checking fluid levels, no oil in either spindle or the differential, they will be out Monday to check my work🥺
Stay tuned!
Good luck to you sir Portuguese farmer. I hope the dealer still doesn’t try to renig on you. Sounds like an oversight when his boys set it up. And it happens. I have a neighbor who works at Kubota dealer doing this. Very good man, and mechanic and he tells me lots of stories. If the dealer don’t acknowledge this he is going to have egg on his face,as if not already for being reluctant.
   / Dealer PDI.... #4  
It seems that retail sellers think a PDI is when they show a customer how things work.
That is not true, it's where the dealer inspects everything that was supposed to have already been performed as required by the mfgr. and corrects any/all defects before selling the item.
   / Dealer PDI.... #5  
It seems that retail sellers think a PDI is when they show a customer how things work.
That is not true, it's where the dealer inspects everything that was supposed to have already been performed as required by the mfgr. and corrects any/all defects before selling the item.
You are so correct ray. They don’t tell you to fill them with oil once you get it home
   / Dealer PDI.... #6  
On mine they forgot to torque the wheels correctly and completely mangled the install of the rear remotes such that neither of them worked. I had to reroute all hoses and the linkages to the levers. Of course I found this out in the field...grrrr. They gave me the shop manual as compensation. I think there was something else hosed up too, but I forgot what. It was over 10 years ago.
   / Dealer PDI.... #7  
I'm curious to learn what happened and what the issue is.

Technically, the tractor goes through 2 PDI's. One at the importer where the put the tractor together, like assembling ROPS, attach the front axle to the tractor, tires and small bits here and there. Then the dealer should do a final once over as well.

The Mitsubishi importer for Portugal is Sotrac, they're known to be a really good importer.
   / Dealer PDI....
  • Thread Starter
I'm curious to learn what happened and what the issue is.

Technically, the tractor goes through 2 PDI's. One at the importer where the put the tractor together, like assembling ROPS, attach the front axle to the tractor, tires and small bits here and there. Then the dealer should do a final once over as well.

The Mitsubishi importer for Portugal is Sotrac, they're known to be a really good importer.
I purchased it from a tractor dealer, the differential is dry no sign of oil.
   / Dealer PDI.... #9  
Both housings are going to have iron dust/chips made up of gears and bearings. Just filling them up with oil is not enough to fix the damage. I wouldn't settle for anything less than complete new assemblies or a new tractor.
   / Dealer PDI.... #10  
...they forgot to torque the wheels correctly and completely mangled the install of the rear remotes such that neither of them worked.
I'm still trying to figure out what that means. Torque on the wheels affects the rear remotes. Or it only affects the installation of the remotes. Neither the wheels nor remotes work. I'm confused.

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