County Noise Ordinances?

   / County Noise Ordinances?
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Side note… for such a small machine the mini ex has lots of digging power and fully optioned but I did find it’s weak spot… multiple small stones wedged between tracks and sprocket will stop a track… the key is to avoid being deep in the middle of a pile of small stones which is more operator technique.
   / County Noise Ordinances? #32  
I would assume the guests stay on the wedding venue's property so most of the sound should stay there too.
Not yet (guests staying on the property). But they are also planning to put in a large quantity of cabins to do so. This I have little issue with. Really don't have an issue with them holding weddings either. However the receptions with live bands and DJ's is quite invasive to the community.
   / County Noise Ordinances? #33  
Not yet (guests staying on the property). But they are also planning to put in a large quantity of cabins to do so. This I have little issue with. Really don't have an issue with them holding weddings either. However the receptions with live bands and DJ's is quite invasive to the community.
One of the risks we take living outside the nanny infested cities. We buy out here because we want the freedom, how can we get upset when others do the same?

I suppose neighbors could raise pigs or something nearby that would make it a less than pleasant wedding experience. Or, just talk to them about times and decibels.
   / County Noise Ordinances? #34  
Our Virginia County has a noise ordinance 11pm-6am. Ongoing noise is an exception.
Random noise, machinery, guns, etc never bother us but one neighbor has barking dogs (yap-yap-yap-yap...). I've mentioned it to them, it stops a day or so then back barking.
I texted the wife and she mistakenly texted her husband sending ME a copy saying don't tell me she's running a kennel!
Workers have been here asking how can we stand it?
Cool nights I like window open some and all night yapping!
Finally a month or so I called police at 11pm. He got here soon and heard dogs barking like crazy, asked how could we tolerate it. He said that outrageous barking all we have to do is get a noise violation ordinance and they're fined, second offense fine much higher, third remove dogs. The Deputy then went over and explained it to them, now after midnight.
Whatever he said to them we've had peace and quiet once again.
   / County Noise Ordinances?
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The cities with all the regulations often mean little unless you happen to own property making for an easy target.

I’m in Washington at the moment but I missed this yesterday in Oakland exactly where I manage a commercial site… police do not intervene because of the over whelming numbers…

Police investigate 2 Oakland sideshows, ambulance vandalism
   / County Noise Ordinances? #36  
Updates… the same person visited today as I was wrapping up and I waited until 9 am to start…
First thought was not my best but he rolled down the window and said he wanted to apologize first and second to thank me for stopping yesterday.
He said it is normally very quiet here and it was jarring yesterday and he thought for sure I would stop at sunset... but I still had an hour left...
My friend happen to walk by his place this morning just before I wrapped up. She said she could really hear it echo by his place where she heard very little at my place…
Also learned he is a long term renter and loves the forested place because it’s so peaceful…
Here is the offending pressure washer with the mini excavator I had for the weekend
PS… I let the rental company know what happened and owner said no one requested so keep it to noon to finish no extra charge…
PPS... the Kubota powered mini ex is whisper quiet compared to the Honda powered washer...

I bought an electric power washer that does a good job and is quieter than a gas powered one. You might invest in one.
   / County Noise Ordinances?
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I bought an electric power washer that does a good job and is quieter than a gas powered one. You might invest in one.
Yes they are and I use it more than my gas unit at home in California…

Being 800 miles from home in Washington has me renting or doing without getting the home ship shape.

Losing my best neighbor who was a real gem of a guy is challenging… he was always ready with a timely suggestion or just the tool I needed… like wheelbarrow, hand truck, etc…

He was 91 and had a full machine/wood shop in his shed and always kept the shop toasty with his wood stove… his place in contract in one day and I heard there was a week long estate sale…
   / County Noise Ordinances? #38  
Where do you see yourself long-term? Settle in one place or maintaining multiple? Tough to miss a good neighbor passing...and the estate sale.

We almost move up near there about 2000 or so. Wife interviewed for a job in Tumwater. They offered her Milw, instead. It would have placed us between my sisters in Everett and Salem. Glad it didn't work out. Like Cali, the location is great, but the majority of the people would make it too difficult to live there.
   / County Noise Ordinances? #39  
It was nice of the neigbor to apologize.

At 8am on the weekend, if someone took the time to drive down my driveway and ask me to stop weed wacking, I'd probably do so and then investigate the local noise ordinances they mentioned. Generally early work is Saturday morning in the summer because by noon, it just gets to plain hot. Seems like most of my neighbors feel the same way, although I don't start mowing until after 10 when the grass dries out from the dew.

At night, you'll get the occasional gun fire, dogs yapping you can hear and every once in a while my neighbor is having a family get together that can get kind of boisterous you can hear 100 yards away, but I just look at it as living in the country.
   / County Noise Ordinances? #40  