Anyone go back to a flip phone?

   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #81  
While I truly hate giving up my old bullet proof flip phone…..where you could replace the battery…. I needed the features on the android to run my business, accept credit cards, enable hotspot to register new generators, etc.

but I don’t, nor ever will do, Facebook, tic-toc, and whatever other narcissistic apps are out there.

I also will never own a selfie stick….man, I hate those.

then again I do laugh at the nutcases filming themselves while they walk into a bear, or over a cliff, or into a fountain.

   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #82  
If you want a nice cell phone plan, check out Page Plus. I've used them for 10(?) years now. They have a plan for just about anybody, including smart phone guys. But if you just want minutes for phone calls, they are the best I've found. I pay $40/year.
I see they're owned by Verizon. I use TracFone, which is also now a Vz subsidiary. I'd never heard of PP before...maybe a regional outfit originally?
TracFone's a little more expensive, my bill comes to a tad over $80/yr. What's interesting if I buy the cards at Walmart they tack on a 911 fee of, I believe $1.74. Buy the same card at Dollar General and the 911 fee is half that. Hmmm. Looks like someone's pulling a fast one. :sneaky:

The only time I feel like an outsider is when I go to the doctor and everyone else is sitting there with their heads in their phones pecking away.
Yeah, since Covid no more year-old magazines in the waiting area anymore. I just bring a book.

The other day I was at Walmart looking for a replacement battery for my truck. No more reference book, just one of those weird bar code-y things. Not exactly sure how that works, but apparently the reference book is accessed that way now.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #83  
I "work" for a rather large international operation that has the expectation that everyone is hooked to their mobile device and available for instant response through that device.

It's like pushing sh% ee$t uphill, but I do my best to avoid all that compliance.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #84  
It's funny when you talk about phones owning people you've never seen one own a person more than my 78 year old MIL. She was raised in the era of if the phone rings you answer. My wife has had to repeatedly tell her not to be answering the phone all the time. Let it go to VM. It is the hardest thing for that old lady to do.

Was pounded into her head that you have to answer it. The younger generation are the ones who don't let a phone call control them. Now text, that's another story, the younger generation can't ignore a text. They have their face buried in their phone reading texts.

I don't let either texts or calls control me. If I see a call and I want to talk, I answer it. If it is one of my kids I answer unless I cannot take the call. If it is one of my sisters or dad, I answer if I feel like talking. I generally answer with Dad because he is old and doesn't call that often.

Control the tech, as was said, don't let it control you. BTW, it is rude to take calls when you are with other people and just chat it up on the phone while the person you are sitting next to listens to you talk, rude rude rude.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #85  
Very true and a few years ago I dropped a bunch of stuff we were barely using. We don't miss it a bit and wish I would have done it sooner.

Best call was to rip satellite TV out, go with over-the-air and went back to doing things around the house/farm that needed doing. I was spending maybe $140 a month on mindless television and mostly for channels I didn't watch, paying for it and with the money going to things opposite my wishes and giving me a 20 page agreement to sign so I couldn't object.

It's now been maybe 5 years with numerous price increases so I'm ahead at least $8400! So, on those implements or tractor things I need--poof--they're free.

We read more, most chores are done, I'm up earlier and if I want TV things, my OTA has maybe 40 channels. My equipment is better cared for, more odd jobs that pay me and the dog and I go out for more rides. I've gone to dress-up dinners with the wife, BBQ more often and not under duress and my truck is refreshingly clean. We eat better and I can bake a killer good pizza from scratch that isn't full of salt and bad fats.

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I'm about to do this, getting rid of direct TV after the super bowl. Maybe sooner, because I really don't have any teams left I care about. I may also get rid of Netflix but the grandkids watch stuff on there so not sure.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone?
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I'm about to do this, getting rid of direct TV after the super bowl. Maybe sooner, because I really don't have any teams left I care about. I may also get rid of Netflix but the grandkids watch stuff on there so not sure.
I'll bet if gramps took them somewhere to do or see something together they would like it and not ask what was on TV. Just a thought.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #87  
We do a lot with them. But, we also still have to work so sometimes they end up watching TV while we work. Both my wife and I work from home. That is when they are not in school. They do a lot of playing with toys and in the summer we send them outside but it is nice to have something for them to watch when they come over.

We are not the typical grandparents that only see the grandkids once a month or so. We have them every week and sometimes several times a week since we help get them to school and after school.
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #88  
I admittedly have not read the entire thread, but will say this...I have never had anything but a flip phone; it says "Hello and Goodbye", and that's all I use it talk. I turn it off when I get home and put it in a drawer.

The only time I feel like an outsider is when I go to the doctor and everyone else is sitting there with their heads in their phones pecking away.
Are they pecker heads?
   / Anyone go back to a flip phone? #89  
I "work" for a rather large international operation that has the expectation that everyone is hooked to their mobile device and available for instant response through that device.
Seems to be the expectation, period.
For many years I had a job where I was expected to be on call 24/7. Had one boss who'd randomly call during off hours just to see what the response was. 🤬 Didn't put up with that for very long.
I guess that's why now that I'm mostly retired I have no desire to be reachable at any time that's not convenient for me.