With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?

   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed? #1  

Rod in Forfar

Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2010
Forfar, Ontario, Canada
1960 Massey Ferguson 35 (Perkins), 1995 TAFE 35DI, 1980 Bolens G174, 2005 Kubota B7510, 2020 Kioti Mechron 2200ps UTV Troy-Bilt Horse 2 1988 Case IH 255 4WD with loader and cab
As I first posted here in 2011, I run a 7.5 KW Baumalight generator attached to my 1980 Bolens G174, running in PTO gear 2, which delivers
740 rpm at 2500 on the engine's non-existent tach. With a Kill-a-Watt meter now plugged into a wall outlet dedicated to the generator's output, I can monitor it quite effectively. It probably runs the generator twenty hours per year.

My new problem involves maintaining a steady engine speed once I get the revolutions set at 60.8 hz, the setting I find works best over the long term, because it drops a bit under load. But the old tractor likes to slow down on its own. That's not a problem apart from generator duties, but I need to understand how to tighten up whatever in the linkage has worn or become loose over the years.

At which end of the throttle control on the tractor do I start?


   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed? #2  
It sounds like the slip nut on the throttle lever needs to be tightened and or a new plastic washer added between the lever and pivot
   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?
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Thanks for getting back to me.

Two videos online yesterday seemed to establish the principle of the friction nut. The nut on the Bolens was easy to see from above, except that it had a large cotter pin through the 19 mm bolt. Eventually I got the cotter pin straightened and removed with a pair of long needle nose pliers. The nut adjusted readily and solved the problem of keeping the engine at a constant speed. Putting the key back in gave me a lot of sympathy for heart surgeons. All I could do was smear Loctite in the general area of the bolt, tamp it down with the pliers, and run the engine for an hour to dry the goop.

The generator remained at 60.2 hz from beginning to end of the test, however, so I guess we'll get through the next ice storm.
   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed? #4  
I've got 2, a Bolens 1502 gear and a White 1704 gear. Can help with basics and have manuals for mine that could help guide you in your endeavors! Glad that you got it locked down.
   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?
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Thanks for your offer. I do have the factory manuals, but I think the authors assumed that any owner could figure out how to adjust a throttle without their help. They're great little tractors, and long-lasting, eh?

Mine came with hydraulic outlets mounted on the right fender. 8 years ago I bought a lightweight single axle dump trailer which works off the "up" hose only. I couldn't believe that would work, but the dealer convinced me by hooking it to a Mahindra and it worked perfectly with gravity. It stays on the Bolens most of the summer because with its fold-down sides and the lift, it is the go-to tool around the property.

   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?
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   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed? #7  
Agree on the great little tractors! The 1502 has a loader from a different manufacturer that I made brackets and subframe. It's help in so many ways! I them made a snow plow that slides onto bucket and held on by a chain binder. Really shines with snow less the 10". When it can't push anymore, drop blade and bucket out of the way. Had 1502 since '05 and 1704 since '12. Enjoy that little "beast".
   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?
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Two years ago I bought a low-hours Case 24 hp variant of the Mitsubishi line. With cab and loader it is a great comfort to old bones in bad weather and winter snows. It works well on a 5' snowblower fitted with an electric flue control.

On rainy days summer days it does the bush hogging around 30 acres of trees and trails.
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   / With a Bolens G174 at which end of the throttle control do I start for a steady generator speed?
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It sounds like the slip nut on the throttle lever needs to be tightened and or a new plastic washer added between the lever and pivot

With your directions I found the throttle control and the nut to tighten it. I couldn't conveniently remove it because it was tight to a wall on that side with the gennie attached and the family car nearby.

The trick was to keep the screw from working itself out after I tightened it. In desperation (storm coming with dire warnings of power outages) I drizzled white LocTite in the general direction of the washer. Enough seems to have adhered to allow precise throttle settings, so all is well.


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