TYM-USA website now down

   / TYM-USA website now down #1  


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2006
TYM T273
Looks like the folks at TYM are gonna do a re-design of their site. I for one am glad and hope to see them get it right. I would have to say they chose some poor verbiage for the second line though. It reads "uncontrollable circumstances" that sounds bad. doesn't it??

"Under Re-construction"

"Site is temporarily down due to uncontrollable circumstances. We are sorry for the inconvenience! Please Check Back Often for Updates. "

Any TYM reps wanna comment? or request input for the new site from the folks here at TBN?
   / TYM-USA website now down #2  
I was talking with one of the reps a few weeks ago and he said the TYM-America division was the one who had been in charge of the websites. Now with the update to TYM-USA for the entire U.S. they had planed on updating the website. I was told it would be sometime this year and that looks like what they are doing. The former divisions hosting was likely due and seemed like the time to change. They should have the new larger models they showed at the National show last month on now. The wording could have been better but it will be nice to see a new updated website.
   / TYM-USA website now down #3  
The website still down.... It's seems odd that a firm this size would let the tym-america domain name go away and not re-direct to the proper site. I submit questions on the tym-usa site but no response. Doesn't look like anyone is managing their website or email system...
   / TYM-USA website now down #4  
I too had heard TYM was planning a website upgrade, but seems a little strange not to leave the old site in-place while implementing updates. Most website development is done off-line and uploaded to the server once it's been completely debugged. . . . Let's just hope the "uncontrollable circumstances" (definitely a poor choice of words), don't involve something more sinister. . . I just bought my T273, love it, and would hate to find out TYM is backing out of it's apparent commitment to US sales.:rolleyes:
   / TYM-USA website now down
  • Thread Starter
Looks like the folks at TYM revised the site to keep us all from freaking out..

"Under Re-Construction!
The TYM-USA web site is undergoing hardware upgrades. It is being housed on it's own web server and moved from it's present location to enable us to perform maintenance and upgrades faster.
We are also developing a new web site which also requires these upgrades so we can offer the best performance to our customers and dealers.
In order to achieve this we have to take down the site down for a few days we expect to be up again by April 4th at the very latest.
Please check back and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you
Dealers can still access ARI by clicking below. "
   / TYM-USA website now down #6  
freaky. . . it's like "big brother" is watching . . . . :rolleyes:
I wonder who's monitoring the chat rooms at TYM-USA. Could it be you? or you? or you? . . . .

Better then them not listening . . . Kudos to TYM for keeping its loyal tractor owners in the loop! Maybe they'll come up with a website that rivals that of JDs - but with products to match the hype :cool:
   / TYM-USA website now down #7  
stumpfield said:
The website still down.... It's seems odd that a firm this size would let the tym-america domain name go away and not re-direct to the proper site. I submit questions on the tym-usa site but no response. Doesn't look like anyone is managing their website or email system...

You should go visit them in Oregon, You would be surprised at the size this firm really isnt. Be happy that they have a web site at all. The president of TYM in 2003 told me quote "people do not shop for tractors on the internet". Two years ago it was still the Korean site that sold silverware, cigarette filters and also tractors. The current attempt is a leap forward from that.

   / TYM-USA website now down #8  
I heard the same thing about the website and the US president of TYM. Sounds as if at one point there was literally a coin-flip as to whether TYM-America or TYM-USA was going to "run" the website.

If this forum is any indication, and we all know it is, the internet is exactly where people are going to buy tractors (I did) . . .:eek:

There's something really wrong when you punch "TYM tractor" into a search engine, and your first hit is to a local dealer, but not TYM-USA. No offense to the dealers, I think they're doing a great job, but "national" is doing them is disservice with their less than stellar literature and website. We shouldn't have to post questions about simple things like "how much does this tractor really weigh?". Incidently TYM, 750kg, the posted weight of a T233, is equivalent to 1653lbs, not 1962lbs. :confused:

Wake-up TYM-USA, these tractors basically sell themselves, if you can just get a potential customer in the drivers seat!!! :)
   / TYM-USA website now down #9  
Thanks for the link to capital press. Hadn't seen those ads before. Incidently, the ad also reminded me of something. Why, in heck does TYM thinks that including 100 packets of instant coffee somehow "sweetens" the deal. How about a hat, a t-shirt, or something useful like couple of TYM branded oil filters :cool:. I realize that I'm a pacific NW coffee snob living Portland, but the TYM branded coffee's not fit to drink. . . .
   / TYM-USA website now down #10  
I don't know the answer to the coffee thing. TYM is doing a great job with the tractors, they realize that the web is very important as we all know it is and they are really making strides in lots of areas to grow.

We dealers know we have a great product and support from TYM and are constantly giving input as to what we would like to see, need and want and they seem to be listening.


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