Tree cutting accident

   / Tree cutting accident #231  
All my life
I've been workin' them angels overtime
Riding and driving and living
So close to the edge
Workin' them angels - Overtime
-- Neil Peart
Almost every day of work for me is like that.
I know my time is coming, but living in fear is just being dead already anyways.
   / Tree cutting accident #232  
power nailer
Friend who's a professional carpenter and roofer nailed his hand to the roof one day. The guy's a safety nut, and never makes mistakes like that. But then he did. Power equipment plus advancing age will get us.
   / Tree cutting accident #233  
Friend who's a professional carpenter and roofer nailed his hand to the roof one day. The guy's a safety nut, and never makes mistakes like that. But then he did. Power equipment plus advancing age will get us.
Reminds me of a story I read when researching the giant African hornets after accidentally stepping on a live one that fell out of a rug my mother had shipped up to PA from Florida. Thankfully, I was wearing slippers, as I think I'd have been stung on the bottom of my foot otherwise.

Anyway, they apparently almost never sting without severe provocation, but they pack quite a wallop when they do. One guy writing about it online said he'd fired a framing nailer into his leg, and it was less painful than that hornet sting!
   / Tree cutting accident #234  
In addition to all of the PPE and such, It is also important to keep tabs on one's mental state. I was cutting wood up for a neighbor as a favor a few weeks back, and caught myself being a bit casual with the blade. When it happened a second time, I packed up and quit for the day. Clearly I was tired and my mind was not making good decisions. Felt a bit bad that I did not accomplish as much as I wanted to, but felt it was a wise call. Always possible to come back a second day.
   / Tree cutting accident #235  
In addition to all of the PPE and such, It is also important to keep tabs on one's mental state. I was cutting wood up for a neighbor as a favor a few weeks back, and caught myself being a bit casual with the blade. When it happened a second time, I packed up and quit for the day. Clearly I was tired and my mind was not making good decisions. Felt a bit bad that I did not accomplish as much as I wanted to, but felt it was a wise call. Always possible to come back a second day.
Good point. I have done that many times. There have been other occasions when I didn't quit, and paid the price. The last time I ended up getting my tractor stuck in a bog hole, and didn't get it out for 2 weeks. The time before that I rolled a log onto my 545 Husky, ruining it. Both times I knew I should quit but thought "just one more tree"
   / Tree cutting accident #236  
Biggest problem down here when bedding and throwing trees IMO is vines, I have been working on a place for a customer and the vines are so bad I have had to put a rope in most of the trees because of the amount of vines which makes for a little more time spent on the job but better to be safe than sorry.
   / Tree cutting accident #239  
Good point. I have done that many times. There have been other occasions when I didn't quit, and paid the price. The last time I ended up getting my tractor stuck in a bog hole, and didn't get it out for 2 weeks. The time before that I rolled a log onto my 545 Husky, ruining it. Both times I knew I should quit but thought "just one more tree"
its always the ''one more'' that get ya... working construction it was always the one more bucket that rip services ...
   / Tree cutting accident #240  
Even a down tree can be a problem when cutting into smaller pieces.

Had a huge hardwood tree come down a month past. Had to be careful where to cut so the tree couldn't possible roll on me.