Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,811  
I thought about a face notch, but the tree was leaning so hard about 30 degrees off level that I didn't think it would do much. I wanted more "meat" for the hinge so I left the face alone. This was a big green cherry on a root ball that was up in the air a bit, she had the potential to flip back also. Barberchair minimized, tree down, bar did not get pinched and I was safe while cutting. It's a win in my book, loads of good firewood, not a saw log. Let the leaves pull some of the moisture out, and go back to collect it later.
I thought you did fine. A notch may have or had not prevented the small tear.
It was so small as to be inconsequential.
I am unsure why the gentleman decided to think he was such a "foreseer of the future" when in fact, he kind of foresaw very little.
Nice job.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,812  
I'm fine with feedback and tips, my goal was to not jam the saw, not get injured and to maybe give some photos to help someone else with a similar tree.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,813  
I thought you did fine. A notch may have or had not prevented the small tear.
It was so small as to be inconsequential.
I am unsure why the gentleman decided to think he was such a "foreseer of the future" when in fact, he kind of foresaw very little.
Nice job.
I expected the split, like I said this tree had a massive amount of torque on it. He is right that I could have done a face cut and notch, and like you said iit may have saved the little bit of tear. I don't have any other trees like this right now to try again. And I consider the tear as "pre-split" & 1 less time through the splitter. Yeah, yeah that's it!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,814  
I expected the split, like I said this tree had a massive amount of torque on it. He is right that I could have done a face cut and notch, and like you said iit may have saved the little bit of tear. I don't have any other trees like this right now to try again. And I consider the tear as "pre-split" & 1 less time through the splitter. Yeah, yeah that's it!
The only other thing you could have done is make a shallow cut a bit higher, hoping that the split wouldn't carry as far up the tree. Yet even if you were felling it for a sawlog, that sliver would have been cut off as a slab whilst squaring up the cant.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,815  
I'm fine with feedback and tips, my goal was to not jam the saw, not get injured and to maybe give some photos to help someone else with a similar tree.
Well you did a terrible job!!! It got no where near to going over that was as you originally tallked about!!! :LOL:

Nice job loaderman!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,817  
Yes, you left more “meat” on. This was why you got the barberchair split, by not providing a notch to create a hinge that can actually hinge. The only option for the trunk is to split once the back holding strap is cut.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,818  
Yes, you left more “meat” on. This was why you got the barberchair split, by not providing a notch to create a hinge that can actually hinge. The only option for the trunk is to split once the back holding strap is cut.
I've seen tears with a notch as well.
A lot depends on the angle of the tree cast.
I have notched trees leaning 45* over, bore cut them and still got a bit of a tear. Other times I haven't. I will say a notch seems to mitigate some tearing but it is the bore and strap cut that really makes the difference.
In my experience,
I found it depends on the species, time of year, weight of crown and width of hinge.
His tear was so minimal as to not be concerned with.
He knows what to do for the next one.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,819  
He knows what to do for the next one

Not post a picture of what he did? :confused: He achieved his goal, and I thought it worked out well for him. Yet somebody always feels they need to say what a poster did wrong.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,820  
I'm fine with the comments, like I said, my goal was to not pinch saw, not get injured, and take photos of the process to help someone who may have a similar tree and not know what to do at all. This would work for a novice as a bit of instruction with photos. These comments would only perfect the overall process and can be applied by said novice, no photos needed.

Side note, I'm sure OP would have had some good comments to add....