Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,741  
It was a little chilly out today, but I did manage to split some white oak,


Then it was on to other things I needed to get done!

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,742  
Maybe a better statement would be that sycamores grow best where they can reach water. Well diggers respect their abilities. I can trace my mile long water shed till it erupts to 500gpm year round spring.
Sycamores and popular (tulip magnolia) are also good harbingers of a rain shower is coming by turning over their leaves. Just enough time to gather up tools and get to shelter.
Some of my best teachers have been been trees and enjoy spending time in the woods.
I have a tulip poplar behind my house, absolutely massive tree, such beautiful flowers. I will get some pics when it blooms shortly.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,743  
Thanks man!! This place no longer sends me notifications on posts and forum activities, dont know why! Now I have to remember to come look.

And then catch up and make half a dozen posts in a row!:LOL:
Yeah, I don't get them either anymore, not since the redesign of the website.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,744  
These were cedar, you could smell it although they had lost some of the cedar smell from age. These poles were a little out of the way so were less unlikely to have signs nailed to them. I’m a retired land surveyor and this same Amish shop made lath and stakes that we used. 2/3 of there shop was dedicated to making these. Quite a setup, all sorts of jigs and equipment setup for that, all home made and run off of small engines and belts.
I expected horse treadmills to run the bandsaw or something like that...
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,745  
I expected horse treadmills to run the bandsaw or something like that...
It’s kind of strange how the Amish work. They have to make some compromises to be in the modern world. Its my understanding they have an elder that decides what is ok for them to have and what isn’t. It appeared a lot of the equipment they were using was home made to some degree. A lot of Rube Goldberg looking stuff but it appeared to be well made and functional. No electricity or lights. Everything powered by small engines. They were nice guys and answered some questions on what they were doing and how the stuff worked. If you can see in the pictures we had some late wet snow that day but they had laundry drying on the line outside.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,747  
I have to edit my signature, I made an equipment change, pics to come soon. Its not quite on this topic, but I will see what I can come up with to fit here or start a new thread. My new signature will have a tad more in common with Mr. Gould's or Ultrarunner's
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,748  
I spend the day in the woods, and in "this" woods I have some pretty bad hazard tree's. SO, I asked a friend to come help me get them down, starting with this one,


We got started with winching as many of those broken limbs out of it as we could, until we had the worst of them out,


and then it was time to cut it down,


With that one down, we started with the tree's around it, that ALSO had broken out tops,


One by one we winched the tops out or just winched the trees over, after cutting the "notch" out and then the holding "trigger". UNTIL we got to this one that my buddy had to climb,


then I winched those two over and the one behind it too,


SO, that's how my day went, and I'm glad to have the worse hazards in that woods, now on the ground!

Next, I'll start skidding them out!

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,749  
Not much to show, this hemlock is going to be a little bit of the lumber for the sawmill building on that area.
It had one woodpecker hole in it and would have been a pain to drop when the buildings done.

Rob was that a lightning strike on that 1st tree? What a mess, I would have made the same call for some assistance.
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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #17,750  
Rob was that a lightning strike on that 1st tree? What a mess, I would have made the same call for some assistance.
Old tornado damage..

I have a few more in other places, but I want to get these ones cleaned up first...

That first one was a hickory, I sure hated to see that old hickory go!
