Five years ago we moved to a 12 acre property and I bought an
L4701 with a bucket, a box scraper, pallet forks, and a rotary cutter. My parents had an old (and small) plow blade that attached to the 3pt hitch in the back of one of their buildings which they let me have. I found that I didn't do a whole of brush cutting, but I did use the pallet forks quite a bit. I also used the bucket for moving dirt and gravel. Plowing our quarter mile driveway was accomplished with a mix of the bucket and the 3pt plow, but it was far from pleasant as the tractor wasn't heavy enough to counteract the push of the snow against the angled plow blade when the snow was heavy. And plowing in reverse is a pain in the neck - literally. I didn't have
ballast in the tires (that's my fault), but even with the box blade mounted on the back, a full bucket of gravel could make the rear wheels come off the ground if you weren't careful. And when I started doing some hardscaping around our place I realized I could only move about a third of a pallet of pavers at once. That was when I realized a skidsteer was probably more useful for my needs. I started by looking at the SSV65 (because they're cheaper) but after reading up here and elsewhere I decided an SVL65 was probably the right answer. I ended up selling the
L4701 and buying one. I couldn't be happier. I can lift a full pallet of pavers, a full bucket of anything, a bunch of logs (with a grapple), and plow the driveway while looking forward. For my needs, it is in every way superior. The
L4701 could never lift as much as the SVL65 does. If your needs are more like mine, then I'd skip the tractor and go straight to a CTL. When I bought the tractor my wife told me to get a heated/cooled cab, but I didn't because I was afraid of hitting it under tree branches and wanted to save money. When I got the skidsteer I listened to her advice. Now I look forward to snow because the cab is a great place to be on a cold and blustery day. It's also a great place to be when its 90 and humid outside. I've never taken it very far, but for the 5 or 10 miles to a buddies house, it rides just fine on the equipment trailer behind my truck.
I moved a lot of dirt with the
And I moved a lot more sand, gravel, and dirt with the SVL65.