/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,321  
I forgot to take pictures of the yard work but it picked up enough debris to complete fill my dump trailer.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,322  
To level an area you could use a water hose.

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,326  
Its been raining here the last two days so no go but
its outside gettings its bath

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,328  
Over the weekend I started extending one of my tractor roads. It was wetter than I like, but it won't get any dryer this time of year. The first part was pretty easy. I cut in there a couple years ago and backed the tractor in so it was wide enough. Just kind of rough and I dressed it up.

BigFirRdExt1 .JPG

This is the next section. I have wheeler/snowshoe trail down thru there.


Which I widened out. It slabs down a side hill and is steeper than it looks.

BigFirRdExt3 .JPG

Then I brought in my 1991 70 hp TD7G. It's a small dozer for the woods. The blade is 7'- 6" at the cutting edge and the tracks are 5'- 6" outside. Weighs 14,500 lbs.


I put my camera out and made a video cutting this section. I'm not a dozer operator - more like a kid in his sand box.

I made a little sweep at the top so I could pull a hitch thru the turn easier.


and this is at the bottom looking back up towards the turn.


The goal is to cut some wood down here while continuing the road. The ladder is my camera quad-pod :)


Some of you might enjoy this ( 19 minutes ) - I could see right off that I need more seat time. If you look at the last minute or so you can see how steep it is.

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,330  
Rainning here again so no go
