TBN being hacked?

   / TBN being hacked? #1  


Super Member
Oct 16, 2010
By the lake in NH & FL
2011 MF 2410 TLB
I received both of these McAfee screens while on TBN today. I could only hit upper tab in order to remove.


   / TBN being hacked? #3  
I'm by far an expert, but the whole urgency and fact it was hard to get out of it screams scam to me....especially if you don't have McAfee.


The capitalization on that phrase seems off.
   / TBN being hacked? #4  
I believe the op recognizes the popup as a scam, he wants specifics on why it's only appearing on a certain website.
I personally don't know how scammers get their garbage out there.
   / TBN being hacked?
  • Thread Starter
I believe the op recognizes the popup as a scam, he wants specifics on why it's only appearing on a certain website.
I personally don't know how scammers get their garbage out there.
Yes I do. This is for the administration.
   / TBN being hacked? #6  
I got it today also
   / TBN being hacked? #7  
I’m getting it too.
   / TBN being hacked? #8  
So are you saying that this McAfee popup is appearing when you visit TBN? Or do you have McAfee installed and it's alerting while you visit TBN?
   / TBN being hacked? #9  
So are you saying that this McAfee popup is appearing when you visit TBN? Or do you have McAfee installed and it's alerting while you visit TBN?
I got the same thing today. I was using my Samsung tablet which runs Android. I do not have McAfee installed but the pop up stated that my subscription was expired. This pop up has only appeared on TBN.
   / TBN being hacked? #10  
Same thing this morning, iPad, no mcafee don’t remember which browser