Stuck in 4WD

   / Stuck in 4WD #1  


Veteran Member
Aug 5, 2005
Kubota M5700 @ B2650HSDC
I have a new mx6000 kubota with 55hrs. and can't get it out of 4wd. This is my 4th 4wd tractor so I am not new at it. I have tried all the usual steps, back and forth, lift front end off the ground, turn wheel, ect, and it just won't come out. I am not sure if it is in the linkage as that all looks fine to me. Any help would be appreciated . Dealer is supposed to come out and look at it sometime in the near future.
   / Stuck in 4WD #2  
Sounds like you know all the tricks, so I guess you'll just have to let the dealer fix it.
My last 2 Kubotas were hard to shift out of 4wd, and the range also, but not difficult enough to slow me down. They did ease up eventually.
Out of habit I now shift out of 4wd by taking the load off the drivetrain by easing off the pedal and just before coming to a stop I shift. It always comes out real smooth that way.
   / Stuck in 4WD
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Is your MX6000 an HST? Do you have a rangle level with N in it between L and M? Try put it in neutral before lifting front axle off ground?
It is hst and I will give that a try as I have tried neutral, just not sure I was lifting off the ground when I did that procedure with neutral.
   / Stuck in 4WD #5  
It is hst and I will give that a try as I have tried neutral, just not sure I was lifting off the ground when I did that procedure with neutral.
Keeps us updated of fix.
   / Stuck in 4WD #6  
My 4330 Kubota has to be like synchronized or it’s difficult. Just saying
   / Stuck in 4WD #7  
I have a new mx6000 kubota with 55hrs. and can't get it out of 4wd.
How long has it been in 4x4? Follow the 4x4 lever and linkage where it goes in the cases and spray some penetrating lube there. Sometimes new tractors just need that first spray or they will rust there.
   / Stuck in 4WD #8  
Have you tried out-shifting 'on-the-fly' (while it's rolling at speed ?) MY JD is picky and likes speed + throttle off. Then it easily pulls out of 4wd.
   / Stuck in 4WD #9  
When I bought my M9000 in 2002, it was the same deal as RJ, hard to get out of 4wd but as the hours went on, it became easier and easier and my open station M9 was never an issue because I bought it used so the original owner got to deal with it, not me. Mine are both gear drive hydraulic shuttle however.
   / Stuck in 4WD
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Shop foreman came out yesterday when I wasn't available and got it out of 4wd. I asked how he did it and he said nothing special. He must have really put some pressure on the lever, but at least it came out and is working fine now. I will put it in and out quite frequently from now on.

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