Storm Area 51

   / Storm Area 51 #11  
How many of the 1.5 million do you think will show up?

I would bet a few hundred. How many would actually maybe try to force their way in? I would bet maybe a few dozen. How many would actually get shot? I dunno. Maybe less than lethal means could be used... but I wouldn't bet my life on it.
   / Storm Area 51 #12  
Whoopie, Rosie, Streisand...they will all be there.....
   / Storm Area 51 #14  
If some folks actually did breach the barriers; my guess is that the military police would literally “let the dogs out”.
   / Storm Area 51 #15  
If some folks actually did breach the barriers; my guess is that the military police would literally “let the dogs out”.

Is that the same as "culling the herd"? :confused3:
   / Storm Area 51 #16  
This has the potential of becoming ugly, and a real political nightmare if anyone gets hurt or killed.
   / Storm Area 51 #17  
Am I the only one not signed up to go. Its not like I wouldnt want to see me some aliens.
I think, what if we went and there were no aliens it would be like when you discovered there was no Santa Claus. The possibility is too depressing.

Seriously what is wrong with people these days. Its almost like anarchy rules. This mentality seems to be spreading.

Not me. I'm saving up for a trip to the moon.

I can't run like this Umizoomy character any way. Somehow I can't see Whoopie doing it either.

   / Storm Area 51 #18  
This has the potential of becoming ugly, and a real political nightmare if anyone gets hurt or killed.

Boy, you got that right. I doubt they would use deadly force except as a last resort, but who knows. I hope that cooler heads prevail, and they nip this in the bud to avoid any kind of a confrontation.
   / Storm Area 51 #19  
I'm convinced the reason we have the politicians we do, as demonstrated by how serious some of the replies to this thread are, is so many people can't recognize a fraud, a con, a joke when they see one.

At best, maybe a few believers (I'd guess 1/100th of 1% (.0001) of the 1.5 million) and a couple reporters will actually show up to see what's going on -- Prediction: nothing is going on.
   / Storm Area 51 #20  
When we visited Roswell a while back at the museum there was a busload of tin hat people there.
If there are any entrepreneurs among us, go there day before the appointed date with a tractor trailer load of aluminum foil, sell hats for $10 each. f4ab7eea92fd4a1cac762e6bbf146669.jpg