Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,053  
It was on the Everything Attachments Channel facebook page and also Google images. Also on the listing agents web page.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,054  
Again, since we don't know what happened we must speculate that either:

(1) Some shyster thing happened as many seem to speculate, or,
(2) Payment was withheld because of something wrong with the construction of the building and pending litigation.
If there was no wrong doing, where is everyone's money?
I'm ok with speculating on that...
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,055  
I'm speculating, but under the advice of Counsel, or court order, likely locked down due to litigation. No one not connected to the lawsuit and counter-lawsuit knows what is going on.

Also, didn't somebody post that monies have been earmarks for paying back unfulfilled orders at some point?

As another said on this thread recently, in another 6-12 months, we'll find out who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out.

Furthermore, on the comedic side ('cause life is best viewed as funny), this would make a great episode on Suits since they're firing that series back up!
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,056  
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,057  
"Court documents say the company requested and received more than $1 million from the construction loan to pay Neill Grading. Everything Attachments, the court documents say, did not fully pay Neill Grading and did not repay Fidelity."
That happens all the time. The total amount due is drawn. The Contractors is given one half the money and told when corrections are made on your dime to bring the project into compliance, you will receive the other half.

A reputable contractor will say okay and go to work correcting the problem. This is 2024 we must all start doing thing differently than we did them in the past. We as customers and consumers are considered fair game for the plucking by a lot of businesses.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,058  
The question remains ... Where did the money go, that Ted took from customers, but gave them neither a product or a refund.?
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,059  
The question remains ... Where did the money go, that Ted took from customers, but gave them neither a product or a refund.?
Exactly! And until every last red cent of it is PAID BACK, only an absolute idiot would consider doing business with him.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #2,060  
The question remains ... Where did the money go, that Ted took from customers, but gave them neither a product or a refund.?
Nope that is not the question. The question is, “Which pocket did he put the money, front or rear.”

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