Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,923  
He mentioned refunding credit card purchases of undelivered products at $2.3 Million. What about those who paid by check?

At this point, his market is going to be very small since he can't ship products. I am not saying I would be a buyer but, anyone who prepays today is a fool IMHO. It is an unfortunate turn of events because EA built really good products at a fair price for the quality delivered.

To bad he apparently failed to manage his business professionally and siphoned off so much value to build his GLASS MANSION that he killed his business. That pair of Tesla's was just the tip of the ICEBERG of mismanagement that took him down.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,924  
Waiting for the Ted lovers to chime in.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,925  
Waiting for the Ted lovers to chime in.

I watched the FB video, and was shocked with all of the positive comments. I think his country boy way of talking reels a lot of people in, but history has taught us that some of the worst people were great orators.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,926  
I watched the FB video, and was shocked with all of the positive comments. I think his country boy way of talking reels a lot of people in, but history has taught us that some of the worst people were great orators.
Confidence man, grifter, and similar terms come to mind.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,927  
What kept me from buying a grapple from him was the requirement for payment in full before my order would be placed on the to be built list.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,929  
Well, that's not something you'd see from someone giving up. Filling the back orders with a skeleton crew, hiring new welders, and sounds like mandated financial management. Who knows, maybe they'll survive it. When I first saw the thumbnail for the video I was expecting video for auction... but it's actually attempting to show they're alive. Whatever else is going on, they're clearly serious about continuing the business. And that's not the "easy" way out that's for sure.

Hope they make it. I've got plenty of equipment from them that will need parts someday.

If they manage to get everyone who was waiting for implements either refunded or delivered then they've got a chance.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #1,930  
It was impressive that they had a good enough reputation that they actually got people to float them money (ie, paying for orders before manufacturing). Building just-in-time using customer money is a great model if you can swing it, but I doubt they'll manage it a second time.

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