Elite Member
They didn't learn the biggest lesson, to get rid of our central (global) bank. They are the cause of our economic woes.
The Federal Reserve is nothing but a bunch of damn criminals.
They didn't learn the biggest lesson, to get rid of our central (global) bank. They are the cause of our economic woes.
“1999B-b-but- they passed laws back then and the FDIC was created. We will never go through times like that again, the government will take care of us. (As I blindly overlook 2008)
“The USD is the abbreviation for the U.S. dollar, the official currency of the United States of America and the world's primary reserve currency.”And there's nothing federal about the federal reserve.
Are Federal Reserve employees considered federal government employees and receive government benefits? No. Federal Reserve Bank employees are not government employees; however, Board of Governors employees are considered government employees.
Lawful money is currency issued by the United States Treasury, such as gold and silver coins, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds. Fiat money, which consists of paper money and checks, is not lawful money but is considered legal tender.
The Federal Reserve Has Made Our Economy Less Stable
The U.S. economy was much more stable before the Federal Reserve came into existence. It bears significant responsibility for every financial crisis over the past century including the Great Depression, the stagflation of the 1970s and recent economic meltdown.
Congratulations on getting the LP boxblade, hopefully you didn't lose your money on the EA order.Let me try to get this post back to its subject. This has morphed into a finance seminar over the past many pages.
On April 25, an extension was granted by the judge to give Ted more time to reply and provide discovery documents. Given until June 18. I sent my unfulfilled orders to the local investigator and received an acknowledgement email. Don’t see any updated news articles from Hickory Record. I get the feeling they are sympathetic to him. Just a feeling.
And on Friday I purchased a brand new box blade Land Pride BB1248 for $779. No tax As in Delaware. This is about $600 cheaper than the 54” I ordered from Everything Attachments and it is well built.
Also, thank you for the update. I stop in occasionally hoping that somebody has given one.Thank you. I had 2 orders, an aerator and box blade totaling close to $5K. Although one order was over 180 days, my CC honored the dispute so I was lucky and didn’t lose any money. I feel for those not so lucky.