skid steer or compact?????

   / skid steer or compact?????
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for the first 250 tons, i've got a guy who wants it to spread on his, so that's easy
After that I take it to the local rock/dirt place who basically turn it into compost. You have to pay, but not much.

Guys, tracked skid steers are BIG money
We're comparing 25/30k machines of the same ilk.
Believe it or not, I'm not made of money. :rolleyes:
   / skid steer or compact????? #12  
LoneCowboy said:
Believe it or not, I'm not made of money. :rolleyes:

Well, if you woulda a took that $400......;)

I tried a skid steer on the farm for a couple years, (used Bobcat) but always prefered a small utility tractor with a rear blade and front end loader for handling manure. But then again, I'm ANCIENT according to our "Dougster". The way I look at it, use what you have until it just doesn't work. It may be slower, but it's PAID FOR. I used a 3000 Ford gasser with a gravity dump bucket Kelley loader mostly. Talk about slow!
   / skid steer or compact????? #13  
I am not so sure that a hst 45 hp tractor(in particular, the NH, which has the stick mounted dual speed control) would be much slower than a skidsteer. It is less maneuverable, but not much slower. Also, tractors have better reach, and more traction(in my opinion) than skidsteers, which can be important for manure hauling(in the abscence of concrete pads).

The price of a TC45DA+loader+cab is about 30K.

   / skid steer or compact????? #14  
Stay with the compact for now, you can still use all your current implements. If the 2 of you are going to continue to be working, then the 3rd tractor sure makes sense. Always have a backup, then you continue to provide good on time service. You could go with a power shuttle, then you don't have to use the clutch, but you still have the gears for your other work.

Just more stuff too think about.:confused:
   / skid steer or compact????? #15  
dynasim said:
I am not so sure that a hst 45 hp tractor(in particular, the NH, which has the stick mounted dual speed control) would be much slower than a skidsteer. It is less maneuverable, but not much slower. Also, tractors have better reach, and more traction(in my opinion) than skidsteers, which can be important for manure hauling(in the abscence of concrete pads).

The price of a TC45DA+loader+cab is about 30K.


Chris, I am quite sure it would blow it away. When it comes to moving material, there simply is very little comparision between a skidsteer and a compact or for that matter, a non compact. Don't get me wrong, I loved all my compacts, but I surely know the difference.
   / skid steer or compact????? #16  
I was that the skid steer advantages for manure(low density/easy to pickup) loading on the backs of spreaders/trucks aren't nearly as great as they are for moving dirt around.

It is very likely I am wrong. I did it 20 years ago with a gear tractor in 12" deep slop and viscous mud, and equipment capability has probably changed.

   / skid steer or compact????? #17  
The tracked skid loaders are very fast, powerful and quite versatile with the attachments you can get for them, but then you are dealing with an undercarriage that, like a dozer has a relatively short lifespan (1000 hr. range) that is pretty expensive to renew. You mentioned a HST tractor being faster for loader work. If you are doing lots of loader work, HST is the way to go. I just switched from gear to HST and I can't beleive how much faster the machine is.
   / skid steer or compact????? #18  
dynasim said:
I was that the skid steer advantages for manure(low density/easy to pickup) loading on the backs of spreaders/trucks aren't nearly as great as they are for moving dirt around.

It is very likely I am wrong. I did it 20 years ago with a gear tractor in 12" deep slop and viscous mud, and equipment capability has probably changed.


Chris, skid steers have really changed. For one, they are all pilot control now.
   / skid steer or compact????? #19  
I have a rubber tracked Bobcat and a L5030 tractor with FEL. The skidsteer will run circles around the tractor for bucket work. IMO there is no comparison. You don't have to get the dozer tracks for the skidsteer, you can get the all rubber tracks that go over the tires like I have. Very little ground impact and they last longer than the dozer tracks. I have the goodyear system, although there are other manufactures.
   / skid steer or compact????? #20  
I have a John Deere CT332 which is the biggest tracked skid-steer in the business, as well as a TN75 with a loader, and a Kubota 4630 with a loader. The Deere will lift 4 times the amount of the TN75/Kubota, and will maneuver far better. If I were you, I would look for a used wheeled skid-steer, preferably a Deere(best lifting capacity of the machines) or older bobcat (the newer ones are supposed to be less reliable). Stay away from tracks unless you really need alot of stability and traction, also, don't even look at any used Caterpillar or ASV with tracks. I had a CAT 257 which is one of their smaller tracked machines and it was a very poor deal. The tracks are simply too expensive to replace. Before my CAT I had a Bobcat 763 which I purchased for 16 grand, used for three years, and sold for 15 grand. If you want to do alot of loader work, especially in smaller enclosed areas, nothing beats a skid-steer.

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