Shooting a Woodpecker.

   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #181  
Well, I agree try other things first, kill is last resort. Right now we're dealing with 5 foxes in horse pasture with neighbors chicken feathers strewn all around. Fox scat, digging holes, feathers & bones I have to clean up, neighbors loosing chickens, high possibility of rabies. Yes, we're superior and invented the gun which I used to dispose of one. So far so good, hopefully others moved on.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #182  
My father in law's neighbor shot at one with a 12 gauge while it was hammering on the eve of his house. The bird flew, he shot, missed the bird but not the eve
I shoot nuisance black birds (grackles) in the spring and fall just to keep them off the yard. My rule is "hide the bird". Get everything lined up with your shot gun and then just before you pull the trigger lift the shot gun so you can't see the bird.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #184  
i use a super soaker type gun filled with strained jalapeño juice. that creature, bear, squirrel or bird will not return.
Oh wow, smart idea!
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #186  
Woodpeckers incessantly attacked the fascia boards at our gables. I suspect it's because they are sheltered by the roof overhang. We covered them with metal flashing. Occasionally I'll hear a tok-tok-tok but they don't damage the house any more.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #187  
My neighbor said:
"Woodpecker pecking on a knotty pine,
I see his pecker but he can't see mine".
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #189  
So how does everyone feel about porcupines? Hot sauce them ?
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #190  
So how does everyone feel about porcupines? Hot sauce them ?
Shoot on sight when possible. They destroy trees.

My team and I ate one once, roasted over open fire, 40-odd years ago during survival/capture and evade training. Can't say I'd recommend it. But we hadn't eaten anything for 3 days, and "managed" it.