Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,082  
Seriously, is very sad how few know how to calculate MPG. Don’t know “miles per gallon” means “miles divided by gallons”, or even how to determine how many miles they drove since previously purchasing fuel.

“Math is hard!”
I can go 80 miles on a fourth of a tank of gas. Yeah, and it's a 32 gallon tank!
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,083  
And if I come across as being snippy I apologize. I am currently on day 10 of quarantine for immediate family member testing positive with me and my parents being exposed, and with good likelihood that both of my elderly parents will be dead by the end of the month.
Just for the record: Both my parents contracted Covid19 in the hospital after my father had major artery surgery and a stroke.
They knew this could be serious at age 69 and age 77, but when i phoned them, they were joking that my mother couldnt smell my fathers morning farts in bed anymore, they decided to see the bright side of things because laughter is the best medicine.

My dad has had a rough two years, hes still on medication to help his heart heal after the stroke, he broke his ribs on the way to hospital for checkup because they thought going by bike is healthier than by car, and my father rolled over after hitting the metal drink cans in the luggage bag my mother lost whilst cycling in front of him. And the year before he had agonising pain from a broken vertebrae, caused by osteoporosis.

Though it can get very nasty if your body reacts badly to Corona spike protein, death is indeed possible. Yet for my parents it was like a solid flu. My mates grandfather is 87, but after using 7 liters of oxygen at its peak, hes back home. The only thing is that his (grand)children have seeded lawn on his vegetable garden, as he is no longer fit enough to grow a quarter acre of vegetables for the entire family and half the church. But hey, hes 87 !

Covid19 is a serious illness, but even at age 80 you have an 80% survival rate. I had the same worries about my elderly parents like you, but they did quite ok, while my 45 year old sister had terrible headaches from Covid19 and has been unable to work for months: you just cant predict it.

I hope your parents stay positive and get well just like mine did !
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,084  
A full size gasoline pickup still isn’t getting 35 mpg. Half that would be pretty good. The eco diesel isn’t even claimed to get that much. Why did they waste all the time and money to develop a diesel that burns more expensive fuel to get a claimed 32 mpg when a Hemi is getting 35 mpg? A diesel vehicle has historically gotten nearly double the mpg over a comparable gas burner.

Well, my 2016 F150 super crew with a 5.0 V8 gets just over 20mpg on the highway.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,086  
Well, my 2016 F150 super crew with a 5.0 V8 gets just over 20mpg on the highway.

That I believe. But 20 and 35 are a long way apart.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,088  
Just for the record: Both my parents contracted Covid19 in the hospital after my father had major artery surgery and a stroke.
They knew this could be serious at age 69 and age 77, but when i phoned them, they were joking that my mother couldnt smell my fathers morning farts in bed anymore, they decided to see the bright side of things because laughter is the best medicine.

My dad has had a rough two years, hes still on medication to help his heart heal after the stroke, he broke his ribs on the way to hospital for checkup because they thought going by bike is healthier than by car, and my father rolled over after hitting the metal drink cans in the luggage bag my mother lost whilst cycling in front of him. And the year before he had agonising pain from a broken vertebrae, caused by osteoporosis.

Though it can get very nasty if your body reacts badly to Corona spike protein, death is indeed possible. Yet for my parents it was like a solid flu. My mates grandfather is 87, but after using 7 liters of oxygen at its peak, hes back home. The only thing is that his (grand)children have seeded lawn on his vegetable garden, as he is no longer fit enough to grow a quarter acre of vegetables for the entire family and half the church. But hey, hes 87 !

Covid19 is a serious illness, but even at age 80 you have an 80% survival rate. I had the same worries about my elderly parents like you, but they did quite ok, while my 45 year old sister had terrible headaches from Covid19 and has been unable to work for months: you just cant predict it.

I hope your parents stay positive and get well just like mine did !
I hope we all turn out OK. Nephew completes his quarantine today and can go back to work tomorrow after testing positive 10 days ago. So for the rest of us we still have 14 days to go. Dad age 80 has COPD, diabetes, past lung cancer and had part of a lung removed, and signs of early heart disease. Mom age 87 is wheelchair bound, 3 heart attacks, weak kidney function, and osteoporosis of her back and hips. Me I am over weight but have lost 20 pounds in the past 3 months and other than that seem to be relatively healthy so I am hoping.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,089  
That's hilarious! Thunder Thighs.
Oh man. Friends invited us to their fancy swim club. The wife walked to the pool with a towel around her.

Husband said as she dropped the towel: "Look! Thunder Thighs!"

Abrupt end of a happy day.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #15,090  

Looking at the frame drawing pulled from Mopar, it appears that there is a design flaw in the area right in front of the axle, it also appears that this is quite close to the location of the break.

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