Selling a house, real estate commission

   / Selling a house, real estate commission #51  
I am in the process of buying 4 more rental homes. I told the seller I will pay all closing if we don't use a realtor. It's not hard.

It's saving me close to 40k.

I will not give realtors any money for what they did to the housing market. They overinflated it without a thought to what they were doing.

I'm sorry but every realtor I know feels they should drive a new escalade every two years...that mentality has to stop.
Careful not to lump us all in the same boat. my vehicle is a 2010 chevy truck and I think its ridiculous the way prices are. But to criticize a Realtor for getting good money for a listing - thats what were paid to do,,,. If the appraisal says its worth it based on the market I dont see how we are to blame
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #52  
I am surprised at the comment and the number of "likes."

Having been a licensed RE broker, in multiple states, for a very long time I have a difficult time understanding any of this. I guess the average public sees a quick sale on a property and deduces its peaches and cream and easy money in real estate.

If the impression is that realtors are lowlife scum bagging huge easy money, with little effort or ethics required, I'd suggest getting your license and giving it a whirl. After all, the shower of easy money is so huge there is certainly plenty for all!!! :D

No offense, but there is no skill in being a RE agent. They have no maco understanding of what their advising of home price has lead to. It was a racket for a long time. Real estate agents and appraisers were locked together to get what ever price was put forth.

I’ve attended open houses that are intended primarily for brokers (as a buyer representing myself). Everyone assumes if you’re there, you’re a broker. I’ve overheard buyers’ agents telling the listing agent that the place was under-priced and would go for above ask—not what you’d expect if the buyer’s agents were looking out for their buyers!

I’ve also heard buyer’s agents discuss amongst each other how high they thought they could talk their clients into bidding.

And it’s easy to understand why—it’s in their collective interest to drive prices up.

It takes just as much work to sell a $500,000 house as it does to sell a $2,000,000 house. But the commission for a $2,000,000 house is four times higher.

Both buyers’ and sellers’ brokers are paid a commission which is a percent of the sales price. So they want a fast close, with high certainty of completion, at a high price.

Realtors also generally want housing prices to be going up because it generates excitement about real estate as an investment and makes their jobs easier. Buyers want to buy and sellers want to sell.

In 2008–2009, after prices dropped, a lot of realtors went under as the market was falling and interest in real estate dropped off. Sellers didn’t want to lock in losses. Buyers expected prices to keep falling.

Volume went down and realtors couldn’t get as many commissions.

Everyone who survived that period remembers the lesson—rising prices are good for realtors. Falling markets are devastating.

For fun, try to get a realtor to submit an offer for less than asking price or less than market based on recent transactions. This is totally reasonable—why not try to get a bargain? Another house will come along in a few weeks, and you might save tens of thousands of dollars by being a little bit patient.

Realtors absolutely HATE it and will try anything to talk you into going in at or above asking price.

You don’t buy real estate often. It’s your money. Recognize that your realtor has a conflict of interest and make sure you know how to use them to serve your interests, not theirs.
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #53  
Careful not to lump us all in the same boat. my vehicle is a 2010 chevy truck and I think its ridiculous the way prices are. But to criticize a Realtor for getting good money for a listing - thats what were paid to do,,,. If the appraisal says its worth it based on the market I dont see how we are to blame

I wish banks had a separate pool of appraisers to view a house and advise the bank what the house is really worth. Then the bank should only lend what their non-bised appraier says the value is. The buyer then could still buy the house, but would have to pay cash for what the difference between market value and the purchase price is. This would have stunted how much the market could appreciate in one year.

There is no way housing should have double in value in 5 years. We have decades of housing metrics to tell us housing should increase by 3-5% per year, not 25%.

Relators are to blame for gaming the entire system with phony appraised values.

However they are now going to pay the price. Nobody is selling and nobody is buying. The market is locked up.

Great job to you and your coworkers...
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #54  
Often it’s a lot more work to sell on the lower end of the spectrum… first time buyers, older properties, sketchy areas.

I’ve never bought a property without writing my own terms… starting at age 21…

When I write I know every word…

The agent/broker is there to present…

As a buyer I have no problem introducing myself to the seller… just the way I was raised.

That said, buying or selling I have never begrudged a commission earned.

Many purchases I would not have even known about with a good agent bird dogging.
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #55  
Often it’s a lot more work to sell on the lower end of the spectrum… first time buyers, older properties, sketchy areas.

I’ve never bought a property with writing my own terms…

When I write I know every word…

The agent/broker is there to present…

As a buyer I have no problem introducing myself to the seller… just the way I was raised.

That said, buying or selling I have never begrudged a commission earned.

Many purchases I would not have even known about with a good agent bird dogging.

RE agents would have been better off having a nice steady appreciating market than one where it booms and then busts.

They turned it into a speculative market, where bad actors like Wall Street and hedge funds got in for the easy money. When those entities exit the market, it will take the livelihoods of a lot of RE agents.

Will they learn...?
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #56  
I’ve only known boom and bust…

Know a lot that panic and sell only to regret later…

Lower income say why stay when I can rent for half of my payments?

Well to do did strategic defaults buying a replacement home at rock bottom price and then walk from first home… often in same neighborhood.
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #57  
I'm a dummy. I never realized that it's not an actual issue of inventory, but salesmanship and minipulation by poeple selling the product.

I need to try that strategy in the my market!
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #58  
There are games for sure…

House down the street came up as bank owned and I made a very good offer meeting all the Wells Fargo requirements.

Many made offers so Wells Fargo comes back and says it’s opening up a second round of bidding to those that bid for highest and final offer…

My agent said what are you going to do… I said I made my offer and pulled out.

Sometimes property will be listed at a very low price to generate interest and it does work but not my thing…

Buyers play games too tying up a property on a fishing trip to see if they really want it.
   / Selling a house, real estate commission #59  
I'm a dummy. I never realized that it's not an actual issue of inventory, but salesmanship and minipulation by poeple selling the product.

I need to try that strategy in the my market!

Wait until you find out what causes inventory issues.

Your mind will be blown...