Rail roads and their tracks.

   / Rail roads and their tracks. #1,811  
Anybody ever see the Allegheny at/in the Henry Ford museum? It's still there. (2-6-6-6, Lima) Pics at the top of the page here:

I was just looking at that on-line a couple hours ago. :)
   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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Anybody ever see the Allegheny at/in the Henry Ford museum? It's still there. (2-6-6-6, Lima) Pics at the top of the page here:
I was at that museum but that was looooong time ago.
   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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This video is about the 1875 failure of a new bridge over the Mississippi river during the third train to cross it. No failure was found and it was rebuilt within 3 weeks exactly the same as before. :unsure:

   / Rail roads and their tracks. #1,817  
I love their test procedure of just loading up with live engines and conductors and waiting to see if it collapses 🙃
Could have just used loaded cars with flats to allow the loco to be fully across?
   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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I love their test procedure of just loading up with live engines and conductors and waiting to see if it collapses 🙃
Could have just used loaded cars with flats to allow the loco to be fully across?
I thought they would have used heavily loaded cars and push them across 1st. Another mystery in my small mind was looking at the "after the collapse photos", how could it have been rebuilt in two weeks?? Among other mysteries....
   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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Another RR built in Minnesota built around the same time in the river bluff country. This guy makes quite good historical video's.
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #1,820  
Was over in Midway, between Goshen and Elkhart today. Saw my first distributed power train sitting along U.S. 33. It was fortunately broken apart at one of the crossings or it would have been a couple miles long. Here's one of the cars on that train...
