Protection from or Deterrants for Deer?

   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #31  
CWD - Chronic Wasting Disease - a contagious neurological disease affecting deer, elk and moose. It causes a characteristic spongy degeneration of the brains of infected animals resulting in emaciation, abnormal behavior, loss of bodily functions and death. No one has found a sure way of controlling it. Been around a while.

IRT the OP. Our yearly garden is roughly the size of a three car garage. Initially used three strands of wire on a TS solar unit. Some success from some critters, but, not enough. Following year I bought electrical netting/fencing (manufacturers that I use here are either Premiere Fence or Kencove Fence). The way it is built it has successfully kept all ground crawlers (rabbit/coon/etc.) out, completely. Also, had very limited deer activity in the garden.

Taking advantage of the deer's depth perception issues, I now also "break up the garden" a little by planting a large/tall sunflower plant here and there. Probably at a distance of 4-5 feet from the fence edge. Mess's with their depth perception (I think, maybe, perhaps, possibly) enough that when they approach the fence, if they don't get a 8KV jolt, they are not tempted to jump in because of depth confusion. Hope that makes since. I honestly don't think I have had a deer in the garden sense. (Yes, we also have a very, very large deer population) (BTW, we have CWD here)

We also use the same netting/fencing for predator control (mainly coyote) for our Boer goats. Come to think of it, never had a deer inside that fencing either... Mmmm.
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #32  
I had an electric fence around the big garden down below from 2001 through 2012. Worked, with 3 strands: top @ 4', btm @ about 4 to 6" and middle one. Never really had an animal problem except for the occasional rabbit that got in underneath if there was a depression in the ground somewhere.

Went to raised beds up here behind the house and also went to rows in the raspberry patch. Have had all sorts of problems with them up here. At one point, the rabbits got too plentiful, and I had to actually put in a wire right on the ground that was "grounded". Then the rabbits disappeared. Then had to raise the bottom strand (and removed the "ground" wire, not needed and a pain to grass whip) to keep out the "teenage" hooved rats. Took a lot more doing to keep the hooved rats out of the raspberry rows. Finally had to go with the full 3 wires with bottom one raised to nearly a foot, etc. Even had to put in a lattice fencing along one of the rows above a bank that I thought was safe. For some reason, they seem to challenge you more when the garden is up closer to the house.

Occasionally have to set a hav a hart trap with melon inside to get a groundhog that likes to live underneath the pool decking and inside all the fencing. That works, if you give it a lead sandwich once trapped.

   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #33  
Us humans are so confusing to the wildlife.

We plant a "food plot" and expect them to come by the hoards. :cool:

We plant a "garden" and expect them to stay out of it. :eek:
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #34  
Up here you need 2 meter high (6'7") fence and electric fence almost that high...


I don't plant "food plots" but plant sacrificial things on the far side of the big pasture, by the swamp to keep wildlife from coming to the garden..
Seems to work OK...
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #35  
Lots of deer in my area and some comments.

Wind chimes will attract them. (LOL, install chimes in the neighbor's yard)
Human urine seems to help deter, (drink lots of beer) Local landscaper swears by this method.
Sachets of Irish Spring soap flakes has proven to work for us.
Hostas will be decimated in short time as it is desert to deer. (found recipes to cook hosta for human use, it is like lettuce) We hang sachets of Irish Spring wherever we have hostas with success.

Then if all else fails, the 3 S method. (Shoot, Shovel & Sut up).

Well maybe Shoot, Eat, and Shut up...
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #36  
This has kept the deer out of my blueberries.


I also hang net bags of dog hair.
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #37  
Old post but I will leave this anyhow. Been using an single electric wire about 8 in off the ground. Works for me the last 20 yrs or so in west central Ala deer country. I don't have anything to prove, just ask anyone that comes to my place what my fence looks like. I still have some hard head neighbors that have to repair all these 3/4 stran 5/6 ft high fences weekly when the deer tear them down.
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #38  
I may have to try this. How did you come about the 8" number?
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #39  
I was about 50 at the time time and old guy showed me how he kept deer out and i almost walked over his fence Deer are looking up and when one of four legs get hit they will leave fast . Just high enough to get mower deck under it what round up don稚 get. Good Luck
   / Protection from or Deterrants for Deer? #40  
The waster treatment plant in Milwaukee WI used to make a fertilizer type product called Millorganite. Been around for years but I never used it.

People swear it keeps deer away because of the human scent. A urban myth?

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