Pressure washer pump rebuildable?

   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #1  

dodge man

Super Star Member
Oct 25, 2008
West central Illinois
JD 2025R
I have a Simpson pressure washer and a couple of months ago I changed the oil in the pump and it had water contamination. I used it a couple of times changed it again and milky again. I used it a couple of more times and it looked OK through the sight glass. Two days ago I was using it and I noticed steam coming out the relief valve and noticed warm water coming out the wand.

Is this worth trying to fix, it has a Honda GX engine? Is it worth trying to rebuild the pump? A new pump is about $225 if I get one like it.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #2  
If you can find the right o-rings/washers yes rebuild. I'm seeing various pressure washer rebuild kits for 23 bucks and another 20 bucks for valves. You just need to see which kit works for you. So for 1/10th to 1/5th the cost of a new pump, you at least have a spare ... even if you buy a new pump.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #3  
If a pressure washer pump is allowed to run without water outflow the unloader bypass water will cause the pump to heat up. The thermal relief valve opens around 190 psi and will start dribbling water to help keep the pump from overheating. Then would you pull the trigger that hot water comes out the nozzle. Totally normal.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable?
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That’s good to know. I definitely need to do something with it because water is in the oil again. It probably just needs o rings, seals, gaskets etc. I’ve never taken one apart so il find out.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #5  
That’s good to know. I definitely need to do something with it because water is in the oil again. It probably just needs o rings, seals, gaskets etc. I’ve never taken one apart so il find out.
Might be easier to just buy the pump complete. The 2.8 gpm pump on my honda-powered pressure washer froze and broke the housing.
Amazon sells pressure washer pumps in the $50 range to fit most pressure washers.

On mine it took less than 15 minutes to swap the new one for the old. That was 5 years ago. New pump works better than the original ever did. A direct fit onto to the Honda driveshaft and mounts with the same 3 bolts.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #6  
Since it still works, chances are it can be fixed with a reseal kit. If time allows, I think the best thing would be to take it apart, check to make sure none of the hard parts have any wallering out or erosion that can't be fixed with seals. That will also give an idea of what the correct kit should have.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #7  
It might be worth trying to repair it.

   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #8  
I have a Simpson pressure washer and a couple of months ago I changed the oil in the pump and it had water contamination. I used it a couple of times changed it again and milky again. I used it a couple of more times and it looked OK through the sight glass. Two days ago I was using it and I noticed steam coming out the relief valve and noticed warm water coming out the wand.

Is this worth trying to fix, it has a Honda GX engine? Is it worth trying to rebuild the pump? A new pump is about $225 if I get one like it.
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I was in the same power washer trouble your are in now. Gas powered B+S on a Lowes 2600psi machine. It was LOUD running, oil would get into the pump making whatever I was washing slimy, and the nozzles at times would suddenly pop off the wand with great force randomly putting a nick or dent into whatever I was cleaning. Plus, it took GAS and OIL.

I got a Harbor Freight coupon and bought the $79 electric power washer. WHAT A DREAM. Flawless performance each time used. And you can talk normally with others around. Sure it's only 1750psi, yet I see no noticeable difference between the 2600psi gas machine and this one for cleaning. It comes down to the nozzles used.

Needless to say, the aluminum casting of the gas power washer cracked. I tried the JB Weld on the thing and finally called it the LAST STRAW. I still have the B+S engine.
   / Pressure washer pump rebuildable? #9  
If this is an opinion question I have one. I say get a new pump at least. Any more problems just replace the whole thing. This stuff is enough trouble to run, so I don’t work on it

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