Premix vs gas station 2 stroke

   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #21  
I got rid of all my 2 stroke engines. Weed wacker is electric. Snow blower is 4 stroke. I make sure to run the blower dry in the spring. Lawn mower is 4 stroke. It gets stabil in the fall. No issues w anything.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #22  
I mix Stihl silver bottle two stroke oil with ethanol free gas and have no issues with pole saw, string trimmer, or chain saw.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #23  
I don't trust the premixed stuff's oil. I like to know what oil I'm using (Redline Allsport though there are many good synthetic oils). And it's really expensive. Mixing oil and gas just isn't that difficult (hint: get a ratio-rite)

If you can't find E0 readily and not too expensively, E10 works ok. I mix up a gallon at a time out of a sealed container of 93 octane E10 with fuel stabilizer in it. That container gets rotated every two months- whatever is left goes into the truck and I go get another container. The only E0 I know of is an hours drive one way and is $1.50/gal more than E10. Just not worth it.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #24  
For $50 a year in pre-mix fuel costs VS $6 for pump gas, every three years you could by a new Echo string trimmer and throw the old one away.

That is true but I don't think the trimmer you listed would make it through one season for my sometimes heavy duty ab---use. I have a commercial duty trimmer that, like I said have used for 10 seasons and I paid over 2 times what your suggestion costs 10 years ago. Also, the curved shaft trimmer is not something I like.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #25  
I didn’t think it was worth it just wanted some reassurance that it wasn’t magically a lot better for the equipment. I can probably go thru 10 gal a year. Which isn’t a lot. But it’s a lot of money for the premixed. Thanks
That engineered fuel does not contain benzene, which does far more damage than ethanol.
Unlike pumpgas, it is good for 2 years once opened. I lay all of my equipment up on it, and keep some on hand.

Even with stabilizer, gas is only good for 30 days.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #26  
as far as premix, i don't trust anyone making the oil mix, friend or commercial, except myself. i make it a very slightly rich mixture as a safeguard.
as far as the premix vs pump, i really don't see what all this fuss is about. once you have ethanol free premium in a proper container w/some sort of treatment added, what's the difference? storing it is the same as premix.

far more important to seek out ethanol free than fretting premix vs pump. for the savings of several gal of pump fuel rather than premix, go buy an extra air filter or spk plug for the road ahead. & use that energy fretting between the two to work in the yard instead
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #28  
To each their own personal likes and dislikes. Like I said (for me) the pre mix fuel has served me well for 10 years (no repairs by me or repair shop visits). Currently, I can afford the 50 bucks or so that I spend annually on 2 gallons of the pre mix. When I can't afford it any longer, I will make a change. Use what you like and serves you well. That is what I have a habit of doing. There is no wrong answer on this subject.
   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #29  
To each their own personal likes and dislikes. Like I said (for me) the pre mix fuel has served me well for 10 years (no repairs by me or repair shop visits). Currently, I can afford the 50 bucks or so that I spend annually on 2 gallons of the pre mix. When I can't afford it any longer, I will make a change. Use what you like and serves you well. That is what I have a habit of doing. There is no wrong answer on this subject.

You are correct.

Your response reminded me of when a company I worked for was acquired by a larger company. The new CEO came in and had meetings with employees.

Every time he talked about making changes from our way to his new way, he’d say “don’t worry. It’s not wrong or right, it’s just different”. Must have said that 100 times in a 60 minute speech.

   / Premix vs gas station 2 stroke #30  
I use 89 pump and have had less problems since quitting the Stabil too. That crap sits and gums. A secret is to run the old fuel thru at start up. New is so hi detergent it cuts varnish so quick it clogs and doesn't get a chance to flow thru especially if it sits a day after a start up.
I haven't bought but one or 2carb parts in 3 decades. Carb clean and rebuild used to be regular, cheap fuel isn't a new concept. I think its actually better than it ever was.