Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy)

   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #81  
Kids coming home for the holidays does give an incentive to cook up a feast. Cooking and the cleaning up takes work. Luckily, I do enjoy cooking and somewhat of a gourmet. So, whipping up dinner for myself alone or with a friend is not a chore to me. If your wife likes food, then there is something for her and you to look forward to every day if you play chef with your recipes.

You did ask before about my background. I got distracted and did not get back to you. I apologize. My only farm experience was as a kid visiting with family in upstate New York. They had a chicken farm. I was an engineer by trade and worked in the heavy construction field. I did not like the profession and took early retirement. Yes, I would have been happier doing research in engineering science.
Research is fun; I spent nearly 20 years as a Microbiology tech and Research Chemist, but it got old, and became a dead end. Law school, and a state Environmental lawyer was much more rewarding emotionally, financially not so much.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #82  
Research is fun; I spent nearly 20 years as a Microbiology tech and Research Chemist, but it got old, and became a dead end. Law school, and a state Environmental lawyer was much more rewarding emotionally, financially not so much.
I thought I was the only non-rural type here and everyone is a tractor-riding farmer living on the land. You have a ton of book learning under your belt. Me, not so much; and yet, I have never ventured living outside the city. You have a John Deere for lawn mowing? How far away from the city do you live?
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #83  
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #84  
I thought I was the only non-rural type here and everyone is a tractor-riding farmer living on the land. You have a ton of book learning under your belt. Me, not so much; and yet, I have never ventured living outside the city. You have a John Deere for lawn mowing? How far away from the city do you live?
I have had the best of both worlds; I live on a suburban acreage and have a John Deer X350. Lived in the city only as long as I had to; had our house built in the 70's when it was rural and not in the city limits.

Are you North or South of the Mason-Dixon line?
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #85  
Meatball Stew.
Make meatballs out of 100% beef and use in your regular beef stew recipe. Takes very little time and effort and you don't have to stew your meat for 6 hours.

Mine has carrots, potatoes, parsnips, onions, garlic, celery and spices.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #86  
Are you North or South of the Mason-Dixon line?
North. Born and raised in NYC. But my heart has always been in the South. Not too far south, though. Just the states hugging the Mason-Dixie line from where you are at to West Virginia. I plan to move to West Virginia; hopefully, some time soon. I will be needing more than an LX172.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #87  
North. Born and raised in NYC. But my heart has always been in the South. Not too far south, though. Just the states hugging the Mason-Dixie line from where you are at to West Virginia. I plan to move to West Virginia; hopefully, some time soon. I will be needing more than an LX172.
Although I don't know your situation, I will make this one observation: depending where you are thinking about moving, sometimes rural areas are very, very provincial. If you haven't already done it already, I suggest you spend a couple months in the exact area you are looking at; should tell you if you will be comfortable and accepted, or viewed always as an outsider...and if you can tolerate the cultural shock.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #88  
Although I don't know your situation, I will make this one observation: depending where you are thinking about moving, sometimes rural areas are very, very provincial. If you haven't already done it already, I suggest you spend a couple months in the exact area you are looking at; should tell you if you will be comfortable and accepted, or viewed always as an outsider...and if you can tolerate the cultural shock.
Thanks for the warning. I know I will be as acceptable as a bobcat or coyote on a farm. I will have to be invisible.

I managed to access that GTT cookbook. Thanks again.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #89  
I thought I was the only non-rural type here and everyone is a tractor-riding farmer living on the land. ....

I think you'll find many of us are "conversions". My Aunts and Uncles ran farms, but my parents did not.

Although I don't know your situation, I will make this one observation: depending where you are thinking about moving, sometimes rural areas are very, very provincial. If you haven't already done it already, I suggest you spend a couple months in the exact area you are looking at; should tell you if you will be comfortable and accepted, or viewed always as an outsider...and if you can tolerate the cultural shock.

This is very true but can be managed. You will need to adjust to the culture and not expect everyone adjust to the way you did things.

Thanks for the warning. I know I will be as acceptable as a bobcat or coyote on a farm. I will have to be invisible.

I managed to access that GTT cookbook. Thanks again.

That is one way, but then you will always be an outsider. I suggest you become very visible and be active in your community. Do some volunteer work. Keep in mind that in rural areas the church is also the community center. Find one and participate in the events. We started off by volunteering at the local church in the kitchen Wednesday nights. Look for the men's organizations such as Masons, Elks, etc. and there are various charities that can always use help. Look for ways where you can help your neighbors and especially be tolerant of them doing things differently, you're in a different area and there may be a good reason for the difference. You will always be the newcomer, but you'll also be part of the community and accepted and included.
   / Post your favorite winter time stew or soup (Bonus points if it's easy) #90  
Very good 3Ts . . .