Pork and Beans

   / Pork and Beans #1  


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2013
Sacramento, California
Kubota B21
As a kid I spent a lot of time with my dad in the California desert. He was not much for cooking on these trips. Lots of times we just had canned pork and beans, sourdough bread, hard salami, and canned sardines. That was it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I still like canned pork and beans a lot, but I like making my own even better. Especially since I get to put a lot of pork in it. Compared to the scrap or two of pork fat that might be in a store bought can.

There are tons of recipes on the web, I use my own that has evolved over the years.

1 lb of navy beans. What is in grocery stores can be old and dry. I get navy beans from a family-owned Italian grocer that has been in business in Sacramento for over 50 years.

1 lb of pork belly with skin. Cut into 3/4" strips, salt and pepper, seared on the outside grill. Then cut into 3/4" squares.

1 small organic carrot, diced. More tasty than the big woody carrots.
1 stalk celery, diced. The long thin ones with leaves are tastier than the short fat ones.
1 medium white onion, chopped.
4 cloves garlic, chopped.
10 stalks of fresh thyme, leaves only. We keep thyme and other herbs growing year round.
1 bay leaf.
1 tbsp molasses
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp Spanish smoked paprika
1/2 tsp dry English mustard
5 tbsp crushed tomatoes. I use my own tomatoes during the summer and fall. Other times I use Cento brand crushed tomatoes, which is just tomatoes, no other gunk added in.

Just put everything in a big pot with water and cook for 2-3 hours.


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   / Pork and Beans #2  
That sounds really good. I wonder if instead of grilling the pork belly, how it would taste with smoked pork belly?

Do you get the beans from Corti Bros?
   / Pork and Beans
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I think using smoked pork belly would be a winner for sure.

Yes it is Corti. They have about 20 kinds of beans, many I never heard of.
   / Pork and Beans #4  
As a kid I spent a lot of time with my dad in the California desert. He was not much for cooking on these trips. Lots of times we just had canned pork and beans, sourdough bread, hard salami, and canned sardines. That was it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
That sounds just like the menu on our hiking and camping and fishing trips when we were kids. Along with baking potatoes directly in the hot coals of the camp fire. Slept in army surplus canvas pup tents with no floors. And we all had fun and now have fond memories. How times have changed!
   / Pork and Beans #5  
I can my own pork & beans...

In a qt. jar, add 1 cup of dry beans of your choice, add the spices of your choice and add the pork of your choice! Then fill with hot water or the liquid of your choice and put them in the canner,


10# pressure for 90 minutes and you have canned pork and beans,


   / Pork and Beans #6  
Tasty no matter how there prepare!!!! :licking:
   / Pork and Beans #7  
Have you tried the pork and bean cake? It taste good, kind of like spice cake. The aftereffects are the bad news.
   / Pork and Beans #8  
The Pork & Beans of my youth have sadly disappeared. These days, they are thin, runny, bland and completely tasteless. I will try these recipes and find a favorite. Thanks
   / Pork and Beans #9  
The Pork & Beans of my youth have sadly disappeared. These days, they are thin, runny, bland and completely tasteless. I will try these recipes and find a favorite. Thanks
ANOTHER reason to can your own!

Adjusting the amount of beans in the jar, will get you more or less runny, beans!

   / Pork and Beans
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The great thing about cooking, canning etc is you don't have to accept corporate crud for your meals. I am sure SR's beans are great.

Below, after 50 years I still can't get away from pork and beans and sourdough for breakfast. Not runny and not bland. The combination of good beans and pork belly makes for thick sauce.


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