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   / Politics
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What you and the others say makes sense. I generally have had no problems with such discussions, but then I tend to shut up when the other party starts to get disagreeable. As I said, I'm not challenging the ruling. I was looking for a forum where political subjects are not out of bounds, and preferably where the participants are reasonably moderate.
   / Politics #13  
I could not agree more and you said it well. The politics and religion, I remember an old guy saying the same thing you said when I was young.
IE: It caused a division in a local 4-H club years ago.
   / Politics #14  
This is not the first thread on this topic...

Politics is just too volatile an issue for a forum that is focused on compact tractors. And I, a guy who loves to argue...argue...politics, am glad of the restrictions.

There is a multitude of forums that do discuss politics...if you feel the need to make your opinion and views known...those forums are the place to do it!
   / Politics #15  
The problem with politics and religion is that there are widely varying imbedded beliefs. Nobody is convinced by the other, and so you don't get anywhere discussing it unless you discuss it with people that agree with you.

I like to discuss politics but I get frustrated because I am always right and other people just don't always understand that.
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