New Rear Blade - Land Pride

   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #1  


Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2010
North Idaho
I recently ordered a Land Pride RB3784 (7') rear blade. Does anyone have one and how do you like it? I have a 6' light duty rear blade and it works ok enough on spreading gravel or moving snow. I really wanted the offset so I could pull gravel in from the edge of the road without getting right on the soft shoulder. I live on a hillside so there are disadvantages to going over the side. :laughing: I also wanted a heavier blade for working the dirt road especially when it gets some wash boarding. The new blade is appox. 600 lbs. so it should cut better than the light duty blade that I have.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #2  
This it?
Looks like a nice well built blade.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #3  
I bought a Befco BRB284 when I bought my new Branson. It's what the dealer carried. Similar specs to yours. 600 + pounds with tilt, offset etc... I don't think you can go wrong with Land-Pride. They (including mine) aren't cheap, but it'll last a lifetime.

BTW - I like your tractor. I had an identical one which I ended up selling cheap to my Daughter and her Husband, so I could upsize.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #5  
I recently ordered a Land Pride RB3784 (7') rear blade. Does anyone have one and how do you like it? I have a 6' light duty rear blade and it works ok enough on spreading gravel or moving snow. I really wanted the offset so I could pull gravel in from the edge of the road without getting right on the soft shoulder. I live on a hillside so there are disadvantages to going over the side. :laughing: I also wanted a heavier blade for working the dirt road especially when it gets some wash boarding. The new blade is appox. 600 lbs. so it should cut better than the light duty blade that I have.

I have that exact blade for 7 years now. Very happy with it. I bought mine with the hydraulic angle and use it mostly for plowing snow on my gravel driveway . I didn't buy the skid shoes until 3 years after I bought the blade because I thought they were too expensive and I wouldn't need them.... Bad move, they help tremendously plowing snow and I would recommend them. I have hit several large embedded rocks in my driveway and haven't hurt it a bit.

A very good blade that should last you a lifetime. IMHO

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   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #6  
Have the 3584, similar hillside issues.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #7  
I have an RBT3596 with hydaulic angle and tilt. Great blade.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #8  
I like my Land Pride 2684 blade, but the weight and steel edge was hard on the residential driveways I do. I now use a polyurethane edge.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #9  
I had a LP 2584. It was simply to light to cut the driveway in the summer. Now I have a Rhino 950 - 96" - 1050#. Works like a dream.
   / New Rear Blade - Land Pride #10  
Been using my Land Pride [7', don't have model # handy] for 18 years or so. Mostly blading snow. Has held up quite well. Had to replace one of the pins that attach the 3-point, surprisingly about $10 at the dealer. It had loosened and I didn't notice til it was trashed. But other than that, which was partly my fault for not noticing it had loosened, no issues. Dealer told me LP had been bought by Kubota. I did notice that the newer ones at the dealer were orange and black in color.

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