Never had pain like this before!!

   / Never had pain like this before!! #41  
Glad to be of service.

Now I have the flesh sliced off index finger on my left hand from the knife which was what the original post was about. Since then I have reached into a plumbing tool box and sliced open the little finger on my right hand. Never figured out what cut it. Cut an under strain limb off a downed tree bracing myself for it to snap away from the trunk and instead it went straight down, gonna loose the toenail off my big toe on the left foot. But the next toe has finally got it's color back. And lastly, wife had to dig metal splinters out of my right ankle after I used a side grinder to cut slots in a new burn barrel.

Ain't retirement grand.

i can see why your name is. RSKY
   / Never had pain like this before!!
  • Thread Starter
i can see why your name is. RSKY
Yeah, I once thought about changing it to RiSKY but have this handle on everything.

I'm usually not this accident prone. doctor did tell me once, while putting in some stitches, that he had given me more tetanus shots than anybody he could remember. The problem is that there are so many projects going......

And I forgot the mention the partially torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder. Having to go to therapy for that.

Dang, I am falling completely apart. I need to retire.....from retirement.

Oh well, have fun while I can.

   / Never had pain like this before!! #43  
It all started when I ordered these new paring knives from Smokey Mountain Knife Works. They are Victorinox knives, made in Switzerland, and they are SHARP!!

Wow, what a story. We have a few sets of those knives. Even gave them to all our kids, but with clear warnings, those bad boys are the sharpest knife. I've trimmed a few finger tips, but near as bad.

Funny though; when my wife read the knife reviews, one review was very bad because they were too sharp!

I hope you feel better
   / Never had pain like this before!! #44  
Strange. My mind blots out all the fine details of the two months of pain from my most recent bout with my autoimmune system. I still remember the situation but not the details.
   / Never had pain like this before!! #45  
Former zoo keeper here - been kicked, bitten and scratched more times that I care to admit.... on top of my own personal foolishness (17 knee dislocations among other things). Along the way I've developed a very strong opinion about advocating for personal involvement in making decisions about treatment.

About 15 years ago I was doing health exams on kangaroos and wallabies and in the process of restraining a roo was kicked in my right hand by a young male. They have 3 nails on their rear feet with the middle one being rather large. That middle nail stabbed and went full depth into the webbing between my thumb and index finger. Was sent to occupational health where the doctor wanted to explore and probe the wound for foreign material......without local anesthesia. Mind you this was a 3" deep puncture wound.

We got into a 10 minute argument about using a local with her stance being the pain of lidocaine injections would be worse than the discomfort of probing and flushing the wound. Perception of pain and associated anxiety are largely subjective.... for better or worse I have a very good understanding of what lidocaine injections around wounds feels like.

Lidocaine injections can burn pretty badly, but I'd much rather deal with a pain I know than get intimately acquainted with the potential pain of someone shoving a probe, forcepts and an irrigation syringe into a deep puncture wound in my hand. I ended up winning that argument, by refusing treatment unless a local was administered. Was a moot point as 4 months later I had puss seeping out of the top of my hand. Went to a private hand surgeon for revision and in the process of explaining what was going on told him the entire story. He laughed, shook his head and agreed with my decision about the local.
   / Never had pain like this before!! #46  
Late 70's I had a bad habit of picking at my toenails when I was watching TV. I ended up getting a ingrown toenail and it festered causing me to limp.
Finally went to the Doctor, he had glasses so thick his eyes looked like they were 3 inches in diameter. He brought me to another room and had me
lay on a table.

He said let me take a look at it. Good thing he didn't tell me what he was going to do. He held my foot tight and used some scissors or something and
jammed them into my festered toe. I almost came off of the table and screamed so loud they heard me on the other side of the 5 lane road.
It started feeling better right after he finished.

I never messed with my toes again, except to wash or cut my toenails.
   / Never had pain like this before!! #47  
Had the same happen to me when I misjudged a Milwaukee M18 skill saw. On a sale of 1-10, pain is 20.....and now I respect battery operated tools very much.
   / Never had pain like this before!!
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I talked to a fellow I worked with for about 30 years last week and told him about my finger. He reminded me of what happened to him back in the mid seventies. He was passing a kidney stone. And it got hung up. And would not pass. So off to the Emergency Room at a local hospital. After the doctor examined him, causing him to scream every time he squeezed the offending blocked (ahem) appendage he told my friend he knew exactly how to correct the problem. Doctor leaves the room for a minute then comes back in and has my friend stand with the appendage on a table. Suddenly my friend was surrounded by several nurses who grabbed his arms and around his waist locking him in position. The old doctor grabbed the appendage, stretched it out on the table, and struck it with a rubber hammer.


Friend said he threw nurses all over the room and spread urine and blood all over them. Couldn't get his breath and passed out.

Woke up in the ER with his wife waiting to take him home. But the stone was crushed and passed.

I have heard this story several times over the years so I guess it is the truth.

   / Never had pain like this before!! #49  
I talked to a fellow I worked with for about 30 years last week and told him about my finger. He reminded me of what happened to him back in the mid seventies. He was passing a kidney stone. And it got hung up. And would not pass. So off to the Emergency Room at a local hospital. After the doctor examined him, causing him to scream every time he squeezed the offending blocked (ahem) appendage he told my friend he knew exactly how to correct the problem. Doctor leaves the room for a minute then comes back in and has my friend stand with the appendage on a table. Suddenly my friend was surrounded by several nurses who grabbed his arms and around his waist locking him in position. The old doctor grabbed the appendage, stretched it out on the table, and struck it with a rubber hammer.


Friend said he threw nurses all over the room and spread urine and blood all over them. Couldn't get his breath and passed out.

Woke up in the ER with his wife waiting to take him home. But the stone was crushed and passed.

I have heard this story several times over the years so I guess it is the truth.

That sounds like Possum Trot medicine.
   / Never had pain like this before!! #50  
I've nicked/cut my fingers quite often doing wood work.
Usually my 'go to' to stop bleeding is the closest roll of electrical tape.
Later I do a proper cleaning and dressing.

Worst finger damage was from a kickback on my table saw, that time I actually lost a chunk of flesh and bled like a stuck pig. Electrical tape came to the rescue!
Worst shocker was when I rinsed off the mess under cold water as I guess some nerves were exposed.

Aside from my many nicks and cuts I have all my digits.

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