Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle

   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #11  
I stopped riding pretty much the same time our first child was born about 24 years ago. There are about double the number of cars on the road since I started driving back in the late 70's. I was lucky and only had cars left turn in front of me and stop twice where I was able to just dent in their passenger doors, and one old guy hook my left leg with his right front fender while stopped at a light. Now that our kids are old enough to fend for themselves, I might consider a nice road bike for weekends again.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #12  
My nephew hit a bear several years ago, kept the bike upright and was uninjured. He was upset that he killed the bear.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #13  
Been riding 52 years now, never crashed. Have always worn a helmet. Just two years ago I went to a full face helmet. I enjoy not making face contact with all the bugs. Learning how to peer thru all the "bug splat" on the face shield.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #14  
I rode from the late 60's to mid 80's, bought the farm & spent more time on a tractor. I still miss it to this day. Then, I get to thinking how crazy it is driving a PU in traffic today & realize the tractor can be dangerous enough, don't need anything else to think of.
I'll run the Gator pretty fast in the fields from time to time, seatbelt on of course, most of the time, it putts around while doing chores.

   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #15  
I,ve owned several beautiful bikes in the past, but finally decided to many distracted drivers out there that don,t see you on a bike. I,ve switched over to convertible cars. Same nice open sky feeling, but much safer.
Every now and then, I still get to ride one of my nephews bikes, just to get rid of the itch that comes along, every now and then.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #16  
Duplicate post.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #19  
Been riding 52 years now, never crashed. Have always worn a helmet. Just two years ago I went to a full face helmet. I enjoy not making face contact with all the bugs. Learning how to peer thru all the "bug splat" on the face shield.

Good to hear. I rode a lot in my younger days as for a time a motorcycle was my only transportation. Gave it up for a number of years due to young kids and serious lack of disposable income, but recently bought a streetbike again. I really enjoy getting out and riding the country roads nearby.

I always wear a helmet and since riding is now for pleasure and not a necessity, I can pick and choose when and where I ride. I avoid night riding around here due to the number of deer, several of which I've hit with my cars over the years. I find that I am much more aware of other drivers and my surrounding when I'm on a motorcycle. I try t always be attentive when I'm driving my truck, but find that sometimes my mind wanders to work that needs to be done or whatever, even if for only a moment or 2. There have always been bad drivers on the roads, just more of them now.

If I gave up everything that has a potential to harm me I definitely wouldn't be operating my tractors, driving a car, going outside during a storm, eating, drinking, get the picture. Do what you enjoy and do what you can to minimize the risk.
   / Neighbor hit buzzard.....on motorcycle #20  
Rode from when I was 16 till 65. Hit a dog once and killed it. Riding through Kansas and hit a prairie chicken, was wearing a helmet, glanced off it and feathers went everywhere. Riding up around Yellowstone and a grey wolf ran in front of me, I was doing around 70 mph (that was the speed limit, no traffic) I just missed him by a hair, had to pull over and check my underwear. At 65 I figured I had been pretty lucky and figured it was just a matter of time till my number came up, so sold my bike. Got into flying ultralights and we wont go in to details on that adventure. Still at 76 on a spring day I can still smell the aspens trees riding up Cimarron canyon In New Mex. or the prairie breeze in Wyoming, or the smell of the pulp mills in Ark.