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Jan 11, 2025
TS 3110 iseki tractor
Need info on my TS 3110 iseki tractor. Oil comes out of my filler tube
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That’s what I thought but looked up the capacity and put the correct amount and it still does it.
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Could it be my valve guides are caked with crud?
   / Need advice #6  
In addition to the above suggestions, when you last changed the oil did you drain from BOTH oil drain bolts?
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Didn’t know it had two
   / Need advice #9  
If it's 4wd, the driveshaft generally runs between two halves of the oil pan.
That's how my Kioti is. So, if you only pull the one drain plug, you will only get about 75% of the pan empty, and then you added 100%, so you might be at 125% capacity. As noted, check the dip stick. It's not going to be easy to drain just 2 or 3 quarts by pulling the drain plug, might want to consider a hand pump fluid extractor
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I’m going to look right now. Thank you

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