My father has fallen and can't get up

   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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It sucks. My wife talked to her father wednesday and he was fine. Friday he was hospitalized, and sunday morning he was dead. It happened so alarmingly fast it's almost unbelievable. The funeral started monday and was supposed to be 3 days, but they found he had covid, so they burned the body on tuesday and it was done. This was in thailand, while we were trying to book a flight to go to the funeral, the earliest we could arrive if we left on monday would be wednesday. And tickets were $13,000.

My father was transferred to LTC this morning out of the hospital, so it seems like things are going in the right direction.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #92  
Condolences FJ - wow you really have your hands full. Make sure to take time and rest.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #93  
It sucks. My wife talked to her father wednesday and he was fine. Friday he was hospitalized, and sunday morning he was dead. It happened so alarmingly fast it's almost unbelievable. The funeral started monday and was supposed to be 3 days, but they found he had covid, so they burned the body on tuesday and it was done. This was in thailand, while we were trying to book a flight to go to the funeral, the earliest we could arrive if we left on monday would be wednesday. And tickets were $13,000.

My father was transferred to LTC this morning out of the hospital, so it seems like things are going in the right direction.
Life is not promised to anyone.

I didn't ask, and I didn't see it mentioned, but how old is your father now?

My own father got to the hospital at 11:00 Sunday (after falling himself), and had passed while I was sleeping next to him in the hospital around 05:30 the following Tuesday morning. This was this past August.

Another question I can't help but ask is if your wife's father was cremated, why was the funeral the very next day?

My dad died August 16th, 2022. He was cremated a couple days later. We drove his ashes to the national cemetery 500 miles away for a service that was held approximately 2 months after his death so any family that could attend could plan accordingly on their end. I can only assume (wrong on my end) that your wife is from Thailand and it was a "religious" reasons? I only ask because I see no reason why not to be able to send some of your wife's fathers ashes overseas from Thailand to the U.S to those who he loved.
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   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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My father is 75 now, FIL was 79.

In thailand funerals start the day after death and last for 3 days to let everyone come pay their respects. However they found out he had covid, so he was cremated immediately instead of the normal 3 day period.

And the drywall is done. Now onto the flooring in my office.













My father in law's furneral day 1. Then day 2 after he was cremated. they arrange the ashes in the shape of a body.



   / My father has fallen and can't get up #95  
My sympathies to you and your love ones.

Thanks for the pics.
It's the first time I have seen ashes.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up
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Mud done, visited him in rehab. He still having issues eating and swallowing. Can't get up, I feel like this is going to be a long rehab.


   / My father has fallen and can't get up #98  
Moving right along. Looking good.
   / My father has fallen and can't get up #99  
Nice job on sloping for floor for the shower drain

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