My dog's not doing well

   / My dog's not doing well #151  
He only has good memories of his life with you and your family. Dogs are the most unconditional love giving creature on God's green Earth, and we don't deserve them. Losing a best friend is difficult, but he's with your other dogs telling of all the good memories they share of you.
   / My dog's not doing well #152  
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   / My dog's not doing well
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I've always stayed with our pet's when they've been euthanized. With the exception of Mason, because I was out of town and we didn't want to prolong suffering any longer, but my wife and daughter were holding him.

How many people reading this have put their own dog down? I thought I could do it with our previous dog Dually, and felt I owed it to him to not take it to the vet. Instead, I found a better option and had the vet come to us on a farm call. I had him euthanized on our back patio. That dog earned the right to die at his home, with all of those that loved him surrounding him.
   / My dog's not doing well #155  
I've done it at the vet or myself at the homestead. The dogs I've done at home had been in a vehicle maybe twice (or less) in their life. It would be have been cruel to add a scary car ride/vet office to the pain they are enduring. Not an enjoyable day but sometimes you have to do things you would rather not. YMMV
My heartfelt condolences
   / My dog's not doing well #156  
gsganzer, I have been following your story. So sorry that you had to make the decision to let Mason go. You went above and beyond what many would do or even could afford to do. My wife and i have had our share of goodbyes including one at where the vet came to our home. Though we had to have the vet come and euthanize a lot of horses over the years. My wife also had to not have our rottie woke up due to cancer discovered during a procedure while I was on the road. I often think about the animals that were part of my life over the years. With the passage of time the sadness lessens and the good times bring comfort.
   / My dog's not doing well #157  
A year ago, my Doberman took his last breath with his head on my lap. Our Vet came to us. I'm sad just thinking of him again.

gsganzer ... My condolences to you and family.
   / My dog's not doing well #158  
My first dog I did it myself I was pretty young, still living with my parents, we believed she got shot by a .22 by one of the neighbors, he is that kind of guy, she made it back... initially we though she got bit by a fox or what ever else but it's probably the prior... My dad being a farmer did most of his animals care, (vaccine, insulins shots injuries you name it he did it) but in this case it was too far gone and brining them to the vet was not a financially viable option for him. Putting down our animal ourself was just something normal for the time and ourselves. Letting them suffer was never a option let me make this clear. She was definitely at peace and knew what was going on, she was a hunting dog so there is no question about that. I cuttle her one last time told her bye walk 10 step and it was over. I don't really care which way it is done there is no easy ways to get that done, but I agree with the premise of one of the owner should be there till the last moment... (gsganzer this dose not apply to you, your wife was there) and let be honest the medical bill for Mason must be substantial at this point so who can blame you for being at work, certainly not me.
   / My dog's not doing well #159  
I wouldn't even consider about not being there when a dog of mine was put down.
I just went through it a few months ago, after he apparently broke his leg, and we found out he had cancer. What I have never forgotten is that as he there he seemed to know we were doing what was best for him one last time, just the way it'd been for the last 111/2 years.
   / My dog's not doing well #160  
I've always stayed with our pet's when they've been euthanized. With the exception of Mason, because I was out of town and we didn't want to prolong suffering any longer, but my wife and daughter were holding him.

How many people reading this have put their own dog down? I thought I could do it with our previous dog Dually, and felt I owed it to him to not take it to the vet. Instead, I found a better option and had the vet come to us on a farm call. I had him euthanized on our back patio. That dog earned the right to die at his home, with all of those that loved him surrounding him.
Likewise, over the last 20 years Rose, Kate, Gracie, Clover, Shadow, Ella, Hannah and Teddy had us by their sides petting their heads telling them how much they meant to us when they were getting that final injection. Lexi, the dog in my avatar actually had an apparent heart attack when we were in Vermont on a family vacation while my in laws were watching all the animals while we were away (that dog was my FIL's favorite as I think they were living with us at the time).

Could never put a beloved pet down myself and would never want to have to be put in that position.

Couple weeks ago on one of our oldest dogs, a hound dog about 13 years old, we had to take to the vet that we thought might be our last trip (wasn't eating and started actually to have some cognitive issues the last couple of days). Turns out of all things it was a urinary tract infection. Some pills and a week later, the guy is still old, but pretty much back to his old self.

Sidenote - Have to give the country vet some credit. He had built a set of wire tongs that was about 3' that held a plastic cup with just enough pressure not to crush the cup. It was easy peasy getting that pee sample when he had to go.

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