MEME and Joke threads gone

   / MEME and Joke threads gone #21  
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   / MEME and Joke threads gone #22  
What is TNT?
   / MEME and Joke threads gone #23  
What is TNT?

You know. That thing that blows really hard. :)

Joking. It's TopNewsTalk. The new website dedicated to all politic discussion since some members couldn't behave themselves and kept bringing politics outside of the former Friend Politics space, which resulted in various closed threads.
   / MEME and Joke threads gone #24  
What is TNT?
I think the 'N' must subliminally stand for ninny...but that's just a quick the short time I was looking I did see the word "intellect" or a form of the word...but I saw absolutely zero confirmation of any...
   / MEME and Joke threads gone #30  
Just about like setting off a blasting cap to a ton of TNT ..:D

Just goes to show... Humor is relative. I can't stand most new comedians, too nasty for me; give me Bob Hope, Red Skelton, and Milton Berle.