
   / Meatloafing #11  
Just leave out the mushrooms..
   / Meatloafing #12  
but the only way I could get it down was to drown it in catsup.
We applied that rule to a lot of our boarding school food, I acquired a taste for that fine british condiment, HP Sauce, could kill anything the cooks conjured up.
   / Meatloafing #13  
WHO DOES NOT LOVE MEATLOAF? I LOVE MEATLOAF !!!!!! Subscribing to get some good recipes! :thumbsup:
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   / Meatloafing #14  
So do you cook it then smoke?
Sounds interesting and would like to try it but have never seen a perforated pan, maybe I should say I have never looked for one.
We have perforated trays, would that work for a cooked loaf to get smoke all around it?
I do have a smoker.

No, I do it all on the smoker.

I buy 6 lbs of 80-20 ground beef, and mix in all the seasonings, then divide it in half. I pack the half in a 7x11 casserole dish and turn it upside down over the perforated grilling tray. With a little effort and practice, (it doesn't just fall out), it will come out of the dish, on to the tray in one piece.

I put both half's on the smoker at 225 Degrees, (with hickory pellets), until it hits internal temp of 160. That takes abut 2-2.5 hours. No spritzing, moping, or basting needed.

Apply the sauce in the last 15 minutes or so, (probably at about 145-150 degrees internal temp).

We cut and freeze one half. It freezes, and microwaves well.
   / Meatloafing #15  
Never heard of putting ground pork in meatloaf...I always use either ground beef or ground turkey.
I'll use regular onions instead of scallions, also add some worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce & chili powder. Top it off with shredded cheese & sliced black olives & in the oven.

Does anyone else put oatmeal or breadcrumbs in theirs? My wife thinks it's weird (though she likes the result) but that's how my mother always did it, and so do I. It helps make it less dense and brick-like, also absorbs some of the grease from the meat.

Just leave out the mushrooms..

Gotta have mushrooms! Love 'em!

But I have NEVER ordered meatloaf in a restaurant because I'm not sure what I'd be getting, even though I suspect it would be good. I just never got over remembering the meatloaf we were served at school when I was in elementary school. I don't know anything about their recipe, and obviously some liked it, but the only way I could get it down was to drown it in catsup. As a result, I only eat meatloaf at home.

I hear ya. ISTR school cafeteria meatloaf to be pretty nasty myself. Tried some from the deli at the local supermarket, but it was waaay too salty. Then again it could have just been me...I almost never add salt when I cook.
   / Meatloafing #16  
One of the guys at the firehouse would make a rolled/stuffed meatloaf. I think the center had ham, spinach and cheese of some sort. That got rolled into an outer shell of meatloaf that was first spread thin in a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. The whole mess was covered with a basket weave of bacon and cooked.

It's amazing that my high blood pressure is as low as it is....
   / Meatloafing #17  
Never heard of putting ground pork in meatloaf...I always use either ground beef or ground turkey.
I'll use regular onions instead of scallions, also add some worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce & chili powder. Top it off with shredded cheese & sliced black olives & in the oven.

Does anyone else put oatmeal or breadcrumbs in theirs? My wife thinks it's weird (though she likes the result) but that's how my mother always did it, and so do I. It helps make it less dense and brick-like, also absorbs some of the grease from the meat.

I have always had breadcrumbs in meatloaf,,,

because of having that through my youth,, I have a difficult time eating meatloaf without bread,, the meatloaf seems too tough without bread.

The stuffed bell peppers were mentioned,,
my mother added rice to the meatloaf mix when it was used to stuff bell peppers,,,

The same mix, without the bell peppers, made into balls and cooked was called porcupine balls,, because of the rice sticking out all over,,,
   / Meatloafing #18  
I love Meatloaf. Especially their song "Paradise By The Dashboard Lights". :cool:
   / Meatloafing #20  
I am making meatloaf tonight. I borrowed the green onion and mushroom idea which I have never used. I added Worcester sauce and bread crumbs which I always do. An extra egg too. Cannot wait. Yum!