Man oh man it's been hot and I know why

   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #21  
58 today, and over an inch of rain. I was loving it! 👍
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #22  
A much drier 79 "here" today. :)

Looking forward to more like this day.
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #23  
The solar cycle which has a "solar maximum" soon isn't a cycle of radiance & power output, but more a cycle of the magnetic field.

Some good reading here: FAQ: How Does the Solar Cycle Affect Earth's Climate?
unless you're entirely anti-science, in which case there's no point in talking about a solar cycle anyways
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #24  
Going to be the coldest night of the month tonight. Predicting 43* F. You all live where it is too hot….
Where is here? I want to move! Been in the 90's here in CT. 11:30pm and still 72 out which is unusual for CT. By the weekend it will be in the mid-70's during the day and mid-50's at night. Perfect weather.
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #25  
We got two inches of rain in the last 36 hours... slow and steady enough to soak in. It's been around 58' for the last two days, which is perfect to me.
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #26  
The decade of the 1930 was hottest on record. BTW, it gets hot in summer, cold in winter.
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #27  
It’s August. In Eastern Kentucky it is supposed to be hot and dry.

A couple of warm muggy days and then it cools off:
What's the humidity like? The handful of times I've been in Kentucky in the summer it was the humidity that was the issue. Not that we don't get hot, muggy spells here, but they generally only last a few days not months at a time.
   / Man oh man it's been hot and I know why #28  

In southern KY humidity is a way of life. In this bottom you cant leave your windows open at night. Everything will be damp by morning.
When my cousin comes from CO you can watch the sweat roll off him.
You get used to it.