Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup

   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #1  


Veteran Member
Feb 10, 2019
Branson 3015R
This is probably the farthest thing from "country cooking" as there is but I will tell you about it anyway.

Last spring my friend made a concoction called mugolio or pine syrup, he said he really enjoyed it so I looked it up. Every recipe I could find came with a very complimentary explanation of this syrup, so I had to give it a try. I have mostly Virginia Pine and white pine around here so I picked about a quart of the young shoots and small pollen bud clusters that grow on the end of the branch. With these pine pieces I combined the same amount in a 1:1 ratio of light brown sugar and pack them down into a quart jar. And then you wait!! After a couple of days the sugar will begin to pull the water and flavor out of the pine pieces. It will go through a fermentation process and then after a month or 2 you simmer for 10 minutes and then strain it into bottles for longterm storage. I am only a couple of days in, but I am excited to test the product. I have decided to make another batch or 2 this spring. I honestly think we are going to like it and will be kicking ourselves for not making more. I will report back to let you know how it is. This stuff sells online for $20 for tiny 4 oz. bottles. DOes anyone have experience with pine syrup?

Sorry for the lack of pictures, my computer is acting funny and it won't let me attatch pictures.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #2  
You have to report back when you've tried it. I am skeptical.

I like maple syrup and had just had some a few days before a hunting trip. I was sitting in my stand when I saw a new glob of pine sap about ready to drop.... I thought, "why not, it has to be similar". Friends... It was not similar... yuck. It was 2 months before the PTSD from tasting that glob wore off.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #3  
It will probably be really good if you get lots and lots of sugar in it and come up with something to get that pine taste out of it.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup
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We will see?!?

From all my digging online lots of people talk highly of the flavor. I just made 2 more batches. So we are going to either love it and have plenty, or we will not love it have have plenty for Xmas gifts.:ROFLMAO:
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #5  
I like the smell and taste of pine don't know why it would make it taste bad. I am very curious as well as Virginia white pine is prob the most abundant tree I have on my property.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #6  
From all my digging online lots of people talk highly of the flavor [of mugolio or pine syrup]. I just made 2 more batches. So we are going to either love it and have plenty, or we will not love it have have plenty for Xmas gifts.

Sounds very much like Lambic Beer, a Belgian Ale made from airborne wild yeasts. Some beer afficiandos swear by it; I will charitably say it is an aquired taste. However it is useful. When one of my homebrew batches goes awry and turns skunky. I will call it Lambic and foist it on the unsuspecting.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #7  
I'm interested in the results of your experiment. I am aware that they make turpentine and other Naval Stores (pitch, tar & rosin amongst others) from pine sap so I can't imagine that it would taste good.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup
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In typical TBN style the Nay's are at 3 and the Yay's are at 2. What is your vote?

I have not heard one negative thing from anyone who has ever tried it, so I am hopefully optimistic that we will enjoy it. I like culinary adventures though.
   / Making Mugolio or Pine Syrup #9  
I'm open minded about it but when I think of it I too think of turpentine.