LS Owner in a NH Dealership

   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #1  


Veteran Member
May 16, 2018
North Idaho
LS XR4145C
Over the weekend I discovered a missing bolt that holds on my front wheel to the hub. The others were loose too! After torquing them down (and removing another for a reference) and checking the other wheels, I went on a mission to find a replacement. I thought this mission would be rather simple. I was wrong.

I went from hardware store to hardware store looking for a simple M16 fine threaded short bolt. You would think that almost anyone would have such a thing, nope. Seems like all the stores go up to m14 and those are course thread. Being a Saturday, most of the specialty shops in town are closed, including my dealer. But the New Holland dealership is open!

I went into this dealership, but didnt see anything blue, only orange. Oh well, google says its New Holland, and google never lies. I walked up to the parts counter and asked the lady who stood at her computer for these bolts. She stared confusingly at me for a long while before asking what they are off of. Apparently she cannot simply look up a bolt on her computer, she needs a year, make and model, and where the part came from. I told her: "2018 LS XR4145 cab tractor, and this came off the front wheel, I need a replacement and I will take any extras you may have."

"We dont have anything LS. What is LS?"
I replied with: "Lets start over then. I have a 2018 New Holland Boomer 45 cab tractor, and this bolt came from the front left wheel. I need a replacement and any extras you might have."
She laughed and typed that into her computer. She then regrettably informed me that she does not have any, but her dealership is not really THE New Holland Dealership. That would be their 'sister dealership' in the next town, about a 30 minute drive. She called over to them and asked if they have these bolts in stock. They do, and they have 8.
I asked her to inform him that I am on my way!

I drove to the next town and was elated to see some blue tractors in their lot. I walked in and up to the gentleman at the parts counter. Told him who I was and he had the bolts there and ready for me. But, since I just drove all the way over here, I have some questions about the differences and similarities between LS and NH in regards to my tractor. The parts guy, at the New Holland Dealership informed me that LS was bought out by New Holland "years ago" and that LS does not exist any longer. I asked him why then are the parts for a New-New Holland are all metric? He said that New Holland is all metric because that is the standard. I shook my head, said something like "Oh, ok.," paid for the parts, and walked out. On the way out, there was a Boomer 35, I looked at the tag, across the top, LS Mtron Ltd.

I was shocked, and a bit confused. Why would a parts guy believe such a thing? A simple google search would prove him wrong. And metric being the standard? I thought standard was the standard for an American company?! It's sad to know that the people in my area do not know that LS makes NH and that even LS exists in the first place! It's even sadder to know that the 'experts' are disseminating false information either by ignorance or by flat out lying.

Anyway, I got the tractor "fixed" and everything is all well and good. I have extras in case one decides to back out again. Just thought I would share my experiences being my first time in that dealership.

Have you ever gone to a New Holland Dealer to get parts for your LS? How'd it go?
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #2  
I sometimes buy my filters from the local New Holland dealer. They don’t know what an LS is, but are happy to sell any product to me, as long as I can supply the NH part number.
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #3  
And metric being the standard? I thought standard was the standard for an American company?! It's sad to know that the people in my area do not know that LS makes NH and that even LS exists in the first place! It's even sadder to know that the 'experts' are disseminating false information either by ignorance or by flat out lying.

Actually he wasn't wrong (in a way) in that metric is the world's standard and only items manufactured in the US use the imperial (american version) system.
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #5  
It’s not surprising at all that they don’t know that LS makes a lot of the New Holland machines.
I had a John Deere salesman tell me “those LS tractors are made in China” and in the same breath tell me that JD compacts are built in the USA.
I said OK and left.
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership
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My Boomer is all metric and it wasn’t made by LS.

So are all New Holland tractors metric?

Actually he wasn't wrong (in a way) in that metric is the world's standard and only items manufactured in the US use the imperial (american version) system.

Yeah, I know. Metric is much better too, I completely agree!
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #7  
I went from hardware store to hardware store looking for a simple M16 fine threaded short bolt. You would think that almost anyone would have such a thing, nope. Seems like all the stores go up to m14 and those are course thread. Being a Saturday, most of the specialty shops in town are closed, including my dealer. But the New Holland dealership is open!

HA! Sounds like my adventure in wheel spacers. Did you know you can have a coarse thread metric bolt with different thread pitches? When I was looking for rear lug bolts for my Mahindra 2655 it seemed like everyone stocked M16 x 1.5 pitch but the Mahindra bolts were M16 x 2.0. I couldn't use the stock ones from the dealer either because I was adding spacers so would need longer ones. Yeah, it was fun (sarcasm added).
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #8  
An example of why a good dealer is as important as the brand you select. I'm blessed with several good dealers to choose from.
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership #9  
So are all New Holland tractors metric?

Yeah, I know. Metric is much better too, I completely agree!

Few are made in the US so there is little chance than many, if any, are using SAE these days. If it is coming out of Turkey, Mexico or other points abroad it will be metric.
   / LS Owner in a NH Dealership
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An example of why a good dealer is as important as the brand you select. I'm blessed with several good dealers to choose from.

Absolutely! Dealer relationships are very important, way more so than a car dealer. And I have an awesome relationship with my LS dealer, but they are not open over the weekend. I probably could have waited, but who wants to wait in todays society? :D