KX057 Excavator: Track wear question

   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #1  


New member
Jun 11, 2021
F series Bobcat Toolcat 5600, Kubota KX057-5, Ventrac 4500
I just bought a KX057-5 and it's my first excavator (for property maintenance). I've been doing a lot of research trying to educate myself on operation and common maintenance. Anyway, I've only got 5 hours on the machine and I noticed that the tracks are showing metal on the "lugs" that I assume are for proper tracking. I'm wondering if this is normal or if I might have a problem with track alignment? (If that's even a thing on excavators?) The attached pic shows my concern. Any advice/experience appreciated.


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   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #2  
Your tracks might be a tad too tight.
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #3  
It’s normal.
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #4  
It’s normal. The rubber on those parts will be completely gone pretty soon.
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #6  
It is normal wear for new rubber tracks. Do you have the open cab or enclosed with ac/heat?
I'm also a new 057-5 owner, doing my 50hr service this weekend.
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #7  
I also have a KX-057. Mine did the same thing when new. It now has 700hrs on it, tracks are still fine.
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #8  
How frequent are your re-gens?
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question #9  
   / KX057 Excavator: Track wear question
  • Thread Starter
It is normal wear for new rubber tracks. Do you have the open cab or enclosed with ac/heat?
I'm also a new 057-5 owner, doing my 50hr service this weekend.
I got the cab w/ angle blade. Have had a Bobcat Toolcat 5600 for years and wouldn't give it up - and pairing it with the excavator is excellent. I've got the root grapple on the bobcat to move around piles of logs/brush and the excavator lets me dig out stumps and reach things the bobcat couldn't get to. I'm working up slowly with trees so I can figure out just where that line is between using the excavator to fell vs the chainsaw. It makes quick work of mulberry trees vs the chainsaw and I'm thrilled with it so far and have read nothing but good reviews from others online. I still feel like it's something a homeowner just shouldn't own... but I'll get over it :)

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