Kubota L3301 open cab

   / Kubota L3301 open cab
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I would have gotten an estimate before committing to the repair in the first place and I'd never have charged it on ANY credit card either. I'd say you are hosed unless you can do a charge back with your CC provider.

People today seem to charge everything and that is not a good thing at all.

Far as hauling your tractor to the dealer, you should have had them pick it up. Every dealer I know of has that capability. You'd be charged for the pickup but, in reality that is the best avenue. The dealer I deal with (and work at part time) has a rollback truck for picking up and delivering units. In fact, part of my job is picking up units to get repaired and delivering them as well as delivering new units.

Transportation of units is always a requirement of ANY dealer.
Man I wish we had known that Kubota would pick up the tractor for us. When we initially called them, the service person said they don't pick up tractors. The new service person at Kubota has told us that the previous person is no longer there, one of the reasons being because he wasn't arranging for pickups. We did have the tractor picked up for the low price of $300 (both ways) - cheaper than 1 hour of labor from the mobile mechanic.

At this point we realize that the mobile mechanic operates without estimates on purpose. We actually never approved them to start work after they initially did their diagnosis. So beyond the initial trip out they don't have anything from us showing that we approved the work. They showed up and started working. We have done a chargeback on our credit card, and they are investigating it currently. He is still trying to push the charges through. But if we can keep the charges off our credit card then the mobile mechanic can try his luck at taking us to court.

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