Kubota L3301 open cab

   / Kubota L3301 open cab #1  


New member
Dec 13, 2024
Kubota L3301
Hey I have a 7 year old Kubota L3301 tractor that we had a mobile mechanic come out to replace the clutch. Long story short, they have now billed my credit card for $10k and the tractor is still grinding like it was when we called them for the repair. This is a repair that Kubota quoted us $3200 for if we had hauled the tractor to their shop. We were willing to pay the additional rates for a mobile repair but I can't believe they have billed us this much. What recourse do we have? As I said, the tractor is still not repaired and at this point I don't trust them to come back and work on it. I feel like we got taken for a ride and I'm not sure what we can do.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab #4  
I would have gotten an estimate before committing to the repair in the first place and I'd never have charged it on ANY credit card either. I'd say you are hosed unless you can do a charge back with your CC provider.

People today seem to charge everything and that is not a good thing at all.

Far as hauling your tractor to the dealer, you should have had them pick it up. Every dealer I know of has that capability. You'd be charged for the pickup but, in reality that is the best avenue. The dealer I deal with (and work at part time) has a rollback truck for picking up and delivering units. In fact, part of my job is picking up units to get repaired and delivering them as well as delivering new units.

Transportation of units is always a requirement of ANY dealer.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab #5  
Talk to a lawyer, not a forum on this one.

Was the mobile mechanic the dealer? Or some random mechanic.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab #6  
All I can say is, 10 grand for a clutch replacement is way over the top for any 'shadetree' mechanical service. I'd be doing a chargeback immediately and that don't involve a lawyer at over 120 bucks an hour either.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab #7  
Was it a Kubota mobile mechanic? Have you discussed this issue with them? What was their response? If it's not repaired, I'd dispute the charge with the credit card company and go from there.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab
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I've already initiated chargeback on my credit card. But I still need to show that they overcharged me. I've requested a written quote from the kubota dealer so that I can use that as a baseline. The standard hours for clutch replacement on that model is 8-12 hours. These guys charged a high hourly rate which we agreed to because we were paying for their mobile trucks to come out. That was $380/hour.

I wish Kubota would have offered to pick it up but they didn't give us that option.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab
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The company that overcharged us is Pearce Heavy Equipment. When we initially called the company they said they did this repair on our model tractor like once a week. It should have been straightforward. They ended up not bringing the correct parts and kept leaving and coming back with the wrong parts. They charged us all those hours that they were trying to figure out and obtain the correct parts which is insane. My husband is a commercial electrician that ran a boom truck for years. We always charged a service/travel charge to bring our truck out which was a minimum of 1-2 hours. But it the job took longer than that, we didn't charge the service charge and the additional hours we were worked on the job. These guys charged the Service charge of 380 every time they brought their trucks out which was 4 times because they didn't finish the job in one day.
   / Kubota L3301 open cab
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All I can say is, 10 grand for a clutch replacement is way over the top for any 'shadetree' mechanical service. I'd be doing a chargeback immediately and that don't involve a lawyer at over 120 bucks an hour either.
We did a chargeback. Working with our credit card company currently because the owner is still trying to push the charges through. The tractor was picked up by Kubota and is in their shop now being diagnosed.

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