It blew up

   / It blew up #21  
New Holland cabs are installed at the factory. However, certain items added to the tractor by the dealer require a lot of disassembly to install. I am not sure which hose was pinched but if it was a result of the loader supports then it is a dealer problem.
   / It blew up #22  
I at this point its only a guess that the selling dealer did something to cause the problem vs a factory defect. Why would anything need to be disassembled for the loader supports? From what I remember theyre just bolted to the frame and wouldnt require disassembly.
   / It blew up #23  
I do not know the problem to even begin to say what happened. However, if there was a hose hanging near the loader support and the dealer pinched it while assembling the support then it would be their fault. Or they were running hoses or adding remotes and had to disassemble part of the cab to gain access and managed to pinch a line somewhere. There are a lot of reasons why a dealer would take a tractor apart to install something. Maybe Brian can post pictures of where the problem was.
   / It blew up #24  
Right, just asking questions b/c its unclear how the problem occured. It seems the only 'evidence' is a bill from the local dealer. Somehow he thought the problem wasn't a warranty issue. I think its true that no matter which dealer you buy from warranty work can/should be done by any other dealer. If the answer to that is no then that would be a big problem.
   / It blew up #25  
Wow.. deffinately a good dealer you have there.

My dealer is pretty good. ( not as good as yours apparently!! ) his service dept's shop forman is a real nice guy.. smart too.. has helped me out of a bind a time or two when i was broke down in a field in the middle of no where.

Good dealers are hard to come by IMHO.


Robert_in_NY said:
It is a good dealer. They rebuilt the gear box on my Woods brush chopper twice out of warranty as it was a problem on Woods side. Also fixed the leaking oil seal on the Befco tiller that was out of warranty as I had barely used it up till that point.
   / It blew up
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Robert_in_NY said:
New Holland cabs are installed at the factory. However, certain items added to the tractor by the dealer require a lot of disassembly to install. I am not sure which hose was pinched but if it was a result of the loader supports then it is a dealer problem.

there are two heater hoses running from the radiator up to the cab (probably to the heater core)
where they go from the cab, down and over ot eh engine, one of them got pinched.

Look, i understand things go wrong, there are lots fo parts and lots of assembly required. But this is a game, New Holland should back their product, I shouldn't have to go thru this. I would have fixed it myself if I had known they were going to play games with who is paying.

Look, i like the tractor, a lot and I like both dealers, but I'm not happy with NH's policies in this case. I've sent a letter to the first dealer and we'll see what happens.
   / It blew up #27  
I wasn't faulting you at all Brian, just trying to figure out what happened. Do you know what pinched the line to cause the problem? If it was a dealer caused issue then I would agree with the other dealer that it wouldn't be a New Holland warranty issue but then a dealer warranty issue. I had a A/C belt come off after my NH dealer replaced them during the winterfix program. The tractor only had a couple hours on it when I noticed it and the cause was that the A/C compressor wasn't aligned right from when they replaced it. My dealer fixed the alignment and replaced the belt under their own warranty for the work they did. The tractor was a Ford 7710-II so it was well past any factory warranty. Now if it was a factory caused issue then it should be covered under New Hollands warranty.
   / It blew up #28  
Did your local dealer tell you why he thought it was an installation problem? What would the seller have installed that caused the problem? That would be interesting to know and might help in resolving all this.
   / It blew up
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might be the side mounted exhuast, might be the loader brackets
it's all in the same area. (right under your left foot)
   / It blew up
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F & S in PA (the selling dealer), called after receiving the fax letter and bill and said "sorry, the check for that amount is on it's way"

Stand up dealer!

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