Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own?

   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #91  
I work in public education. It really does need to be torn down. The biggest problem with education provided by a government entity is that everyone thinks they should decide what need a to be taught...administration has grown 8x Faster than actual educators. There is a public good from an educated populace, but government is horrible at service delivery. Public should pay for basic education only. Electives should be eliminated or charge tuition. Better yet, give parents a tax break specifically earmarked for tuition. Parents take that to whomever they choose to teach their kids. The state has basic skills assessments to ensure every citizen has basic reading, math, and civics understanding. Your kids fail the test, strike 1. They fail again and no more public funding. All citizen privileges would be predicated to having passed the tests.

Milwaukee's voucher system worked pretty good. NEA complained, but when we lived in the area the cost of education was about $7000 per student. Voucher was for $5000. School districts had more money because they were effectively getting $2k for every student who opted out. Parents and students won because (most) private schools were more effective in delivering quality education. Taxpayers won because fewer students had to repeat a grade.
Funny, i grew up in Milwaukee county schools.

Shrink the govt and limit their influence.
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #92  
Funny, i grew up in Milwaukee county schools.

Shrink the govt and limit their influence.
Funny, my 1st student teaching gig was there. Madison HS.

When we left Wisconsin for Texas, our 2nd choice was Eden, NC, up by the VA border.
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #93  
Funny, my 1st student teaching gig was there. Madison HS.

When we left Wisconsin for Texas, our 2nd choice was Eden, NC, up by the VA border.
I went to Marshall, when they opened Madison it broke up our rock and roll band! Maybe 1964.....?

My ex MIL was from eden nc, she was my favorite from that family. Real nice area......
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #94  
The original idea of non teaching staff was to take administrative tasks off teachers' plates so teachers could maximize time teaching kids. Now, administration thinks its job is to take state or district initiatives and pass the tedium down to teachers. Sometimes, they just don't make sense. A few of us worked 'real' jobs long enough to know that the job of anyone in management is to get stuff off of the plates of the people doing the work. One of the initiatives was to call parents every 6 weeks. As an employed parent, I don't want anyone calling me during the work day unless it is life or death. We have email and texting. They were not even open to the idea of asking the parents. Some of the parents don't speak English. I don't speak enough of anything else to really communicate. I can have someone translate an email. SMH. Remember in HS the kids have at least 5-7 different teachers...we all were supposed to call. As a parent, I would be livid.
I have heard that from more than one teacher. My sister did 20 years in the 5th grade. She said the admin meetings were out of hand, and often accomplished nothing but wasting her time.
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #95  
I have heard that from more than one teacher. My sister did 20 years in the 5th grade. She said the admin meetings were out of hand, and often accomplished nothing but wasting her time.
You heard it here first. "She said the admin meetings were out of hand, and often accomplished nothing but wasting her time" That is exactly "Defund the schools."
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #96  
I also use turbo tax. But I also opt for some extra features , meaning it is not cheaper than other methods. But it is well organized, self checking and presents many options to help getting the best outcome. They now collect information directly from your w2's and other statements which makes it a lot better. I have used them for the last 5 years. I refuse to use H&R BLK. Many years ago, I had them do my business tax and they missed so many deductions I had the file an amended return to get it corrected. But I am sure they must be better now. Anyway, I would hope so.
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #97  
Well, I will also comment. I am a retired teacher. I taught school for 38 years. My wife taught for 30 years and is also retired. I have always been an avid supporter of Public Schools. But over the last 10 years, my opinion has changed dramatically. I see students who are not taught. Our schools here stopped teaching cursive writing - That means they cannot sign their own name, or read the Declaration of Independence. Basic math is no longer taught. We start teaching Algebra in the sixth grade. But since the students don't know basic math, they cannot factor an equation anyway. But they are passed right along. We teach polar coordinates, but not basic math. Shop classes which require project planning and construction costs are no longer provided. And after teaching Algebra for several years, and making it a requirement for many years, wonder why it is the #1 remedial course when a freshman enters college - COLLEGE ALGEBRA. This remedial course is now required in many colleges. So something is wrong.

There are some important ideas are missing today. Administrators are supposed to be Educational Leaders, not managers. Education doesn't work like a production line. Many, Many times in meeting with faculty advisory committee, when we could not resolve an issue, We would ask "What is best for the students." THAT statement has not been a part of the conversation for about ten years now.

After many years of teaching, I have a theory. I, the teacher, Works for the students, The administrator, works for me to provide an educational experience for my students, The downtown office works for the administrator so that I receive the support needed to EDUCATE my students so THEY can succeed.
What a novel idea, we all should work for the students in our class. Who would have ever thought of that. I HATE it when I hear an administrator say "I'll never go back to the classroom". Anyone who doesn't want to educate students should not be in education. I love working in the classroom. That is where the tire meets the road ........Or not.
Sorry to be off topic. Couldn't resist it. Best wishes, Larry
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #98  
^^^ I appreciate your honestly and your dedication to our students. Beyond that all I can say is WOW! I had no idea things had declined to this state in recent years (kids have been out of K12 for a while).
   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #99  
^^^ I appreciate your honestly and your dedication to our students. Beyond that all I can say is WOW! I had no idea things had declined to this state in recent years (kids have been out of K12 for a while).
Thanks. It is disappointing for me as well as many other dedicated educators in the profession. There is so much to say, but not here. I know that parents and even district board members do not know as much as they should about the progress of their child's education. Parents are busy. Some work two or three jobs to make ends meet. They trust us to know how help children succeed. And we do. But some things are off track.

I am glad that the state, just this year, has required school districts to again teach cursive writing. After almost a decade of students have not been taught. That is a step forward for the students.
Anyway, thanks for the interest. A subject dear to my heart. Best Wishes, Larry
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   / Income Taxes: Turbo Tax - H&R Block - File Your Own? #100  
I know that parents and even district board members do not know as much as they should about the progress of their child's education.

I am glad that the state, just this year, has required school districts to again teach cursive writing. After almost a decade of students have not been taught.
Both of these are too true. English teachers are too busy trying to teach social studies to bother with grammar. Then we have to spend time trying to clear away their bias from actual facts.

I have my students write by hand frequently. I don't have class time to teach them cursive, but I encourage them to learn. Brains science has show it is superior to printing in information retention.

Thanks for your dedication.