If You Heat With Wood ....

   / If You Heat With Wood .... #1  

Diggin It

Super Star Member
Aug 12, 2018
I'm thinking, I'm thinking!
.... do you cook on the stove?

I've done a few things in the past, including soups and coffee in an older percolator. Today, I did part of a pork loin roast. Put it in a covered saucepan with some seasoning and just let it slow cook all day on top of the stove. Almost fall apart tender.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #2  
Nope. Our stove is in the basement and I'm afraid I'd forget about what's cooking down there.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #3  
Nope, I have one of the high efficiency inserts with no way to cook on.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #4  
Large Crock Pot these days. Set and Forget til the dinner bell rings. Cook once...eat for three days.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #5  
Our main heating stove in the living room is set up for cooking on top, and I've tried it a time or two.

But I built an 'auxiliary' kitchen for meat cutting and canning on the back of the garage, and put a wood cook stove in it should the need arise.

   / If You Heat With Wood .... #6  
Yes, on and IN!

Sometimes I'll let it burn down to coals, and cook a steak or ? right over the coals.

   / If You Heat With Wood .... #7  
I keep a 3 gallon water pot at all times and sometimes put the percolator on in the AM. Anything else is cooked on the stove where I can regulate the heat.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #8  
A pot of chili or other stews. During a prolonged power outages (days) we've baked chicken and lasagna in a double oven arrangement. Putting the food in a medium rectangular pan, then flipping over a larger rectangular an over the top making the makeshift Dutch oven.
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #9  
We have a few times when the power went out
   / If You Heat With Wood .... #10  
Good hot coals grill hotdogs steaks etc. :licking: