I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE

   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #11  
Call them, tell them you're interested in gutters; ask them for their contact info (more than phone number, get full name at least) so you can find them if this happens again and they change their phone number); ask them to come out for estimate; present them with an invoice for "off-site advertising fee."

When they look confused and surprised, explain that they're not there about gutterrs, that your invoice is to make the point that landowners are paid by people/businesses wanting off-site advertisements on someone elses land. Tell them you're not interested in being paid this time, but if they do this again, you expect a prior written agreement and to be paid.

Besides, most Cities will ticket non-permitted sign owners (the gutter people); most counties will look the other way and/or throw it away.

I would do this in a friendly and non-agressive way.
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #12  
Maybe you've forgotten to pay your property taxes and its not your fence anymore.

Maybe you could offer them fence space for, lets say, $100 a week rental, eh? If its a big fence, you could afford ObamaCare payments.
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #13  
Crusty,,Armed?? You really going to shoot somebody for putting up a little sign on outside of your fence? Didn't think so,,,so,,why would you be armed?,,a person,shouldn't threaten with a gun,,cause,they may have to use it,,now,if you plan on actually using it,thats another thing all together.

Signs,survey pins/ribbons,I take it all down and throw it in the road[cause its generlly next to a road.],,used to have a neighbor who would throw out cans and what not when going up his drive which boardered my property,,would throw it out of mine into road, he soon quit.
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #15  
You said brand new fence. Was this built by a fence company and does that same company install seamless gutters? In many cases, I've seen new wooden fences built and the fence builder puts their own sign advertising their fences on the customers' fence. I've not seen unrelated companies put their signs on someone's fence, so I wouldn't allow that either.
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #16  
Doesn't excuse it. But, times are tough. People are desperate to get by and generate sales.
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #17  
Thats the problem with people now days, they just dont care about anybody else. Think i would actuly go to the company and say something. By the way im with crusty on that, alittle rock salt goes along way lol:laughing:
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE #18  
Crusty,,Armed?? You really going to shoot somebody for putting up a little sign on outside of your fence? Didn't think so,,,so,,why would you be armed?,,a person,shouldn't threaten with a gun,,cause,they may have to use it,,now,if you plan on actually using it,thats another thing all together.

Signs,survey pins/ribbons,I take it all down and throw it in the road[cause its generlly next to a road.],,used to have a neighbor who would throw out cans and what not when going up his drive which boardered my property,,would throw it out of mine into road, he soon quit.

of course not,meant in gest:laughing:Dave
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE
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Maybe you've forgotten to pay your property taxes and its not your fence anymore.

Brand new to me ... Just bought it in June. Taxes are current. :thumbsup:
   / I M PEA ODE!!! Advertising on MY FENCE
  • Thread Starter
You said brand new fence. Was this built by a fence company and does that same company install seamless gutters?

It was built by yours truly & yours truly's dad.